Saturday, February 15, 2014

Use Profits to Uplift Nation, Says Zimbabwe Vice-President Mujuru

Use profits to uplift nation: Mujuru

February 15, 2014 Local News
Paidamoyo Chipunza Health Reporter

Vice President Joice Mujuru has implored companies that are making profits to share with communities around them and the nation at large to move forward the vision of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZimAsset).

Officiating at the handover of a US$2 million refurbished nurses’ home at Harare Central Hospital by Mimosa Mining Company on Thursday, VP Mujuru said most companies were seized with the reckless pursuit for profits.

VP Mujuru said Mimosa was different from other business entities that sought to fatten their pockets first before they turned to assist other people.

“Saka muri kunzwa husiku nemasikati, tirikutaurisa zvikuru kuti izvi aa-a, zvekuti kana mawana chinhu secompany idyai nevamwe madyire akafanana nekuuya kuzovandudzira zvinobatsira ruzhinji, ndozvatiri kukurudzira,” she said.

“Zimbabwe, vaMugabe nesu tese hatisi kukurudzira nyaya yehuwori. Tiri kuona kubvarurwa kuri kuitwa chimiro chedu cheZimbabwe, madzishe tibatsirei.”

VP Mujuru warned traditional leaders who were represented at the function to handle the land redistribution exercise properly and to work well with well- wishers intending to assist the country in moving forward.

She urged the corporate sector to continue assisting Government in areas such as infrastructure so that the little resources at the disposal of Government would be channelled to other critical areas to develop the country.

“The successful implementation of Zim-Asset requires the participation in various ways of people from all walks of life,” she said.

VP Mujuru together with other dignitaries toured the refurbished nurses’ home to witness the new-look 450 nurses’ rooms and laundry.

Floors, roofs, walls and lighting of the nurses’ rooms, study rooms, lecture theatre, staff clinic were all spruced up.

Mimosa Mining Company executive chairman Mr Winston Chitando said although they had invested a lot in Zvishavane where they operated from, it had always been the mining company’s dream to have a social responsibility programme that benefits the nation.

Harare Central Hospital chief executive Ms Peggy Zvavamwe said the little funding that was available at the institution was used for patients’ care.

Ms Zvavamwe said maintenance had been stopped over the years, except for emergencies.

Mimosa Mining Company executive chairman Mr Winston Chitando said although they had invested a lot in Zvishavane where they operated from, it had always been the mining company’s dream to have a social responsibility programme that benefits the nation.

Mr Chitando emphasised the need for the corporate sector to partner with Government for the success of Zim-Asset.

Health and Child Care Minister Dr David Parirenyatwa and his deputy Dr Paul Chimedza, Mines and Mining Development Minister Cde Walter Chidhakwa, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Harare province Cde Miriam Chikukwa, Harare Mayor Clr Bernard Manyenyeni and other senior Government officials attended the event.

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