Friday, August 08, 2014

Detroit Freedom Friday 13: Make the Banks Pay for the Water Crisis They Created
Detroit Freedom Friday 12 in coalition with WILPF Congress
delegates. (Photo: Abayomi Azikiwe)



CONTACT:  671-3715.

Today's Freedom Friday demonstration will target the role of the banks in the Detroit water crisis.

The major banks, JP Morgan Chase, Citi, UBS and Bank of America were paid $537 million on termination fees for interest rate swaps a/k/a swindles out of the $1.1 billion in DWSD bonds that were issued in 2011 and 2012 for alleged infrastructure repairs.  That is more than the entire one year budget of the Detroit water department.  At the same time, the poorest Detroiters will continue to be targeted for inhuman and illegal shut-offs in Mayor Duggan's "plan",

 We will demonstrate to say:  Make the banks pay bank the DWSD back for the money they pocketed based on their fraudulent activity in Detroit and nationwide.  The banks should begin by covering the cost of the $43 million in residential arrearages.  The DWSD must restore all those who have been shut off and implement a real water affordablity plan based on ability to pay (not more than 2% of income)..

Gather: DWSD Headquarters at 735 Randolph at 4:00pm
March: Through Financial District at 4:30pm

This Friday, Aug. 8, will represent the 13th week of demonstrations in downtown Detroit in opposition to emergency management and the role of the banks and corporations in the ongoing dismantling and destruction of the city.

The participants are calling on everyone to gather outside the Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept. for picketing and a rally at 4:00pm and march to the financial district at 4:30 to oppose privatization, emergency management, the illegal bankruptcy and pension thefts.

Three weeks ago thousands of delegates to the Net Roots Conference at Cobo Center joined us for the demonstration through the financial district. Attendees included the National Nurses United which declared a public health emergency in the city. Other labor, political and community organizations marched alongside us in solidarity with the people of Detroit.

Lasst week we were joined by Detroit-area activists who are working in solidarity with the injured GM employees in Colombia. Also delegates from the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) in town for a national conference marched in solidarity with Detroit.

At present thousands of households have been subjected to illegal water shutoffs at the aegis of the bank-imposed EM Kevyn Orr who is seeking to drive even more people from the city as part of the "Grand Theft Bargain" they are implementing on behalf of the criminal corporations and financial institutions.

Now in a cynical move to deflect attention from the gross human rights violations taking place in the city, the EM has turned ostensible "control" of the DWSD to Mike Duggan. Nonetheless, our demands remain the same: no shut-offs, turn everyone's water back on, clawback the swap fees and crush all efforts aimed at privatization. The water belongs to the people of Detroit!

These water shutoffs are being carried out by a private firm hired by the outlaw EM utilizing the tax dollars of residents. The aim is to illegally seize the water department from the people of Detroit and turn it over to private interests.

On Mon. July 21, federal bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes heard the DWSD declare a 15-day suspension of the shut-offs. This announcement in federal court was prompted by the testimony delivered at the objections' hearing on July 15 as well as the mass demonstrations since then. The moratorium has been extended to Aug. 25.

In addition to the announcement by DWSD, a class-action lawsuit was filed against the DWSD against the shut-offs. Plaintiffs include victims of the draconian policy and four community organizations.

We are by no means satisfied with this supposed "suspension of shut-offs to Aug. 25." We demand that all households that have had their water services terminated be immediately TURNED BACK ON! There must be an indefinite MORATORIUM ON ALL WATER SHUT-OFFS IN DETROIT!

It is the banks which have swindled the taxpayers out of $537 million in fraudulent interest-rate swaps tied to the DWSD, funds that should be used to repair water main breaks and other infrastructural improvements along with lowering rates which have skyrocketed over 125 percent.

All workers, retirees, community activists, youth who are committed to progressive change are inviting to attend and speak.

We are calling for the total rejection of the bogus "Plan of Adjustment" and the immediate ejecting of the EM Orr. Pensions, healthcare, public assets, the DIA, DWSD, Belle Isle, Detroit Public Schools and all other properties of the city must be protected from the corporate looters who have taken control of the state and local governments in Michigan.

Local control must be restored and the capitulationist program of the City Council and the mayor should be resisted by the workers, seniors and youth of Detroit.

Sponsored by:
Moratorium NOW! Coalition
Stop the Theft of Our Pensions Committee (STOPC)
Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice
In addition to a host of local and national organizations

Contact: 313-671-3715

--Stop the Water Shutoffs and Restore Service!
--Restore Healthcare and Protect Full Pension Rights!
--Hold Gilbert and the Banks Responsible for the Blight!
--Make the Banks and Auto Companies Pay for the Destruction of Detroit!
--Overturn the EM Law and the Illegal Forced Bankruptcy!
--Organize for Popular Power!

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