Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Detroit Marxism Conference: The Science Behind the Struggle--Sat. & Sun., Aug. 23-24
The struggle from Detroit, Ferguson, Gaza, South Africa, Venezuela
and around the world is one against imperialism. 
Date: Sat. & Sun. Aug. 23-24, 2014
Sat. Aug. 23--From 10:00am-6:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am-1:00pm
Location: 5920 Second ave. at Antoinette, Detroit, Near WSU
Sponsor: Workers World Party Detroit Branch & Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST)
Contact: (313) 671-3715
Lunch and Dinner Served on Saturday -- Breakfast on Sunday am

Join us to hear panelists report on various issues including:

--Detroit's Economic Crisis and How to Fight It
--Assaults on Workers and the Nationally Oppressed
--Theft of Pensions, Water and Other Public Assets
--Fighting for the Liberation of Women
--Immigrant Rights and the Global Economic Crisis
--LGBTQ Struggles for Equality
--Imperialist War Drives in Africa, the Middle East, etc.
--History of WWP and the Global Class Struggle

There is a resurgence of the anti-people, anti-worker agenda of the banks and corporations which is devastating the working class and the nationally oppressed. Job losses, increasing unemployment, racism and war are the day-to- day realities of the majority of people here in the United States and around the world.

In the U.S. we are in the citadel of world capitalism and imperialism. Our responsibility is enhanced due to the role of the ruling class in their efforts to extract even more profits from the misery under which we are forced to live.

The situation facing the people of Detroit is not taking place in a vacuum. Hundreds of other cities across the country are being subjected to cutbacks in education, public transportation, social services, healthcare programs and pensions through the illegal seizure of municipal governments and the privatization of assets. In Greece, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, South Africa, Colombia, Palestine, Syria,etc., the people are struggling against the same enemy of international finance capital and militarism.

A humanitarian crisis involving the termination of water services to thousands of households in the city of Detroit portends much for our future if we do not organize a people's movement rooted in the working class and oppressed that has the capacity to effectively fightback against the escalating assaults. The imposition of emergency management is designed to rob the people even further of their labor, resources and right to democratic control and self-determination.

Join us on Sat. Aug. 23 and Sun. Aug. 24 for a conference to analyze and present solutions to the present crisis. Hear speakers from Detroit and around the country who are involved in the mass and working class struggles that will prove decisive in the movement to emancipate the people from exploitation and repression.

For more information on the conference contact us at (313) 671-3715.

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