Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ferguson Rebellion: Tensions Rise After Police Shoot Dead Black Man Close to Where Michael Brown Was Killed
Police hold guns on African American woman in Ferguson, MO.
Aug 20, 2014 00:45
By Sam Adams

The 23-year-old man - who was said by police to have been holding a knife and acting erratically - was killed a few miles from Ferguson where Michael was shot

Police have shot dead a black man close to the scene of the death of teenager Michael Brown.

The 23-year-old was said by police to have been holding a knife, which he refused to drop when confronted by cops.

Police Chief Sam Dotson said he had told officers at the scene to “shoot me now, kill me now."

They opened fire on him when he began to walk towards them with the knife, said Dotson.

Police said officers were responding to a call from a store after the man reportedly stole energy drinks and a pastry.

The incident took place in St Louis, Missouri, just a few miles from where unarmed 18-year-old Michael was shot dead by a white police officer.

Michael's death has led to racially charged protests and riots in the neighbourhood. The authorities have called for calm, but the latest shooting will only ramp up already high tensions.

Police have said Darren Wilson – the 28-year-old officer who shot Michael – was pushed into his car by the teenager before being physically assaulted in a struggle over his weapon.

At least one shot was fired inside the vehicle before the furious altercation spilled on to the street where Michael was blasted six times.

Michael’s friend Dorian Johnson, 22, who says he was with the “gentle giant” at the time, claimed the officer had tried to grab Michael while attempting to pull him into his car.

Dorian said that as the teenager escaped from the vehicle, the officer gave chase and kept firing.

News of the killing quickly engulfed the tight-knit community.

Within hours what had been a simmering cauldron of racial tensions in the city boiled over into violence, as looters and vandals robbed and burnt down properties.

The National Guard has been called in to help with security as protesters clash with police.

The riots have reopened the debate over the state of race relations in the US.

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