Sunday, August 17, 2014

President Mugabe Full Speech: “Women Refuse to Listen to Evil Machinations”
Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe with leaders of the ZANU-PF
Women's League.
by ZBC News
Sunday, Aug 17, 2014

THIS is the full text of the speech by His Excellency the President of Zimbabwe, Cde Robert Mugabe, while giving his closing remarks at the 6th ZANU PF National Women’s conference at the Harare International Conference Centre on Friday.

Cde Vice President Joice Mujuru, Cde Chairman SK Moyo, Cde Didymus Mutatsa, our Secretary for Administration and our host minister or is it hostess, honorable Miriam Chikukwa, members of the Politburo here present, members of the Women’s League and the newly elected leaders of the Women’s League at various levels as just presented to us, Comrades and friends.

We came from 10 provinces. There were 10 teams therefore and on the face of it, physically different but in terms of their sense of belonging they were one. They sat in 10 places and one wondered whether the mathematics would remain 10 equals 10 or 10 will equal to one. The 10 were not different except in number, except in appearance, but all belonged to just one revolutionary party, Zanu PF.

They sat and debated, liberated giving their ideas as if they were different but they emerged with harmonious positions and agreements which have seen this document, the resolutions of the sixth national Women’s League Conference which we interpret as the voice of our women, one voice from 10 provinces.

Gumi rezvikwata zvemadzimai asi izwi ravaburitsa riri rimwe chete. Shoko rava rimwe chete, hongu varikutaura nenyaya dzakasiyana siyana maererano nemaonero avo nezvido zvavo zvokukwidziridza chimiro chavo chemadzimai, chimiro chedu tose muZimbabwe nechevana vavo vachitevedzera gwara rimwe chete reZIM-ASSET. Vakazvipa ivo pachavo theme yavo inoti ZIM-ASSET, Leading Women to Empowerment and Employment, kukweeva madzimai kuti vazvikweve ivo, vakweve pamwe chete nevamwe munyika kuti tibudirire kuvapa masimba nemabasa, chimiro chavo chinake.

Asi vakada kuongoorora kuti ko tinozviita nemutoo upi, tirivanaani, takabatana sei mumusangano wedu tiine maoko api neapi achazonge achitikweva, achitiitira basa achitiratidza kuti neapa neapa ndipo panosungirwa kushandwa mishando yakasiyana siyana ndoyaburitsa pfungwa yavo muzvido zvavo zvinonzi muchirungu maresolutions.

We cannot move forward with ZIM-ASSET unless we have a leadership that not only leads from the front but also from behind that pulls those bulls and pushes, pulls and pushes, pulls and pushes us. The women, the women, the women have shown the way.

They deliberated, discussed, pitted one view against the other, pitted one wish against the other and from the pull of wishes, the pull of differences, the pull of ambitions, they have emerged with agreement as to who will be in this position, that position, this position, that position by agreement, agreement, not by way of an election.

And so surely, surely, surely we have a win, a win of the party we can rely on. Tinoti makorokoto nekusimbaradza kwamaita musangano. Makorokoto nechiratidzo chamatipa tose varume vakuru varume vadiki kuti ndizvo zvinoitwa izvi.

Surely within the party, surely within Government there has to be a definite programme to do justice to the women’s cause. The promises and pledges made in the past which have remained unfulfilled we must fulfill. Let us recognise this. Excellent support given to the main body of the party, given also to whatever direction those of us will be in Government will follow. We are not suggesting that there were no differences at all, we are not suggesting that there were no ambitions at all, we are not suggesting that there were no feelings of pain, but they have subdued all that to emerge with a national women position that puts the country first, that puts unity first, that puts positive performance, positive performance, potential success in our performance first.

Pahuzhinji hwakadai hapashayi vamwe vanotsutsumwara, vane zvichemo asi mose mati tingave nezvichemo tingave nezvinotirwadza izvozvo ngazvimbosara tibatane mangwana kana dziri shungu dzekuva apa neapa shungu dzacho dzinezenge tabatana kudaro dzopotswa, ko kana mabatana, if you are united if you are at one, if you agree to see sense in each other then you will emerge as a formidable women’s organisation, invincible against any hitches, any hindrances on your way you will conquer once you are united and you act as one, you will conquer all that is on your way and stands to bid your piece of development .

You have refused to listen to some machinations that subvert the party, that cause differences coming from the men.

We men don’t realise what are women’s strength of resistance to evil machinations amongst two, here we are.

Some men will remain divided, leading factions. The women have said no we will be one. So we must rejoice and rejoice because you have done us proud. Proud as I say because of your agreement in respect of the resolutions you have passed, proud as I say because you did by way of consensus agree on the leadership that you have given yourself, proud as I say because you have not allowed the machinations the subversive activities that have been going on.

You have not allowed the subversive activities that have been going on to affect your unity and your oneness in decision making and in fact in producing what we see as the mammoth organisation now which is going to emerge from Harare here.

I want to say, the positions that you have emerged with must set to work, we in the main body must ensure you have resources to get your programmes going.

Hatina chokwadi chokuti province neprovince vanhu vakaorganiswa vane madistrict akasimba ane vanhu vanozivikanwa nemacells nema branches anevanhu vanozivikanwa kuti province neprovince yakamira pachokwadi panoverengeka hatisati tasvika ipapo regai kutinyepera vakuru veparty

Dai takadaro ko chinozoita kuti tishaye kana kamari kesubscriptions dzinouya chii? Macard zvinombonzi vanhu vane macard aya erudzii urwu madata, zvozonzi iko zvino tane maelectronic card, ahh izvozvo zvichaitika zvikapera rinhi?

Kuheadquarters kwedu ahh hameno, vanhu vanouya vanopinda basa ikoko hakuna order yekuti vanotorwa kuti takupinza vanhu vakadai uyu anongopinza vake uyo achipinza vake ingava party iyoyo?

Kunongokumbwa nevanonzi ava vaicritisiza leadership tonzwa kuti tinavo vari kuadministration vozodakara vaiswa kuhurumende zvichibva kuparty, in other words administration yedu haisati yanaka.

Saka madzimai vasarudzwa ava tichibatana nemayouth akasarudzwa tinoda kutsano zvivaka zvakanaka kuti tive neadministration yatinoziva kuti kana uri kupublicity chaurikuita ndechichi nechichi kana uri ku organization kucommisariet urikuita zvakati nezvakati, mabasa achizivikanwa zvakanaka kwete mvonga mvonga iripo iye zvino izvi.

Konzi hakuna kana party haina kana masendi tinongova nechikwereti tirikuramba tichingopihwa overdaraft kumabank. Ko zvatinoziva kuti vana Tregger tirimoo kuna Catercraft tirimoo, ZIDCO yaivene mapetrol stations kwana Mutare kwese uko, nzvimbo dzakasiyana siyana. Tanga tiine farm kuGoromonzi tobva tatadza nemombe dzanga dziriko nembudzi dzavaMugabe dzaimbovhiyiwa nevakomana vadhakwa nana Mujuru nana Ishewokunze vadhakwa vonotora mbudzi dzangu kuGoromonzi ndovabvunza kuti ko imi makauraya mbudzi dzangu voti aiwa ndedzedu dzatakanga taisa ikoko kuti dzimbogarawo, Ishewekunze oti ndakapihwa mbudzi yenyu asi yakanga yauraiwa iri mufridge ndikati yorambira iri mufridge here nanhasi yakangotsakatika Ishewekunze akafa handizive kuti fridge yacho iri kupi.

Management yedu ngaimuke tive vanhu, tine vanhu vatinoti ava vanobhadharwa neparty kuheadquarters vakangomirira kuita basa reparty so day in and day out we must make sure they are doing something. Saka ndiri kuti imi zvamatiratidza shungu yenyu, tinoda shungu iyoyo kuti iuye neku headquarters tichaita congress yedu hongu asi tinoda shungu iyoyo iuye nekuheadquarters. Vanenge vanzi ava ndivo vamatipa kuheadquarters vave vashandi ikoko vatinoona kuti vari kuita basa chaizvo. Tichibva kuheadquarters tichiienda kumaprovince tione kumaprovince kuti ikoko vakavakikana madzimai ari kuita basa rawo varikuita zvavakasungirwa kuita.

Haiwa ndoda kukuvimbisai kuti aah tichange tichishanda nemi neshungu yamatiratidza iyi. Zvino muri vanhu vatumwa kuuya kuti muzokurukura moisa musoro pamwechete moburitsa maresolutions enyu asi haasi enyu imi moga vari muno imi murivatumwa chete modzokera kumusha kumaprovinces enyu musakangamwe kunodaidza musangano, musangano kwamunozonge muchizoudza vamwe kuti makatituma kuHarare zvatauya nazvo ndezvizvi vanofara zvikuru, ndokubatana ikoko kwamunoita imi sevatungamiri neruzhinji hwatinoti grassroots vari kumusha

Ndinoda kukutendai zvikuru neresolution yamapasisa, the resolution whereby you state that I should be the sole candidate wenyu for the Presidency. I want to thank you for that and also for the First Lady perhaps we will give her a little chance to respond, handingamutenderi ini aiwa ndongozvitendera ini zvemuself ka, but I can assure you we will continue to do our best and as we assume the leadership of SADC we will certainly do our best there working in conjunction with others.

They are all our friends we don’t, we never never want to make enemies hatimbofa takada kutukana, it doesn’t matter kuti vamwe vangaite chii you have not heard me wanting to criticise publicly vamwe vedu asi kana tiri toga kuSADC ikoko ndopatinga critisaizane but we don’t want to feed the enemy, the outside enemy maBritish the Americans with wrong information that we are divided in Africa, because they can never be really our enemies, our true enermies, they may just be our critics and our opponents, the true enemy is the outsider, the imperialist yes ,those ones we will hammer, we will criticise, we will really say all that we feel about them loudly.

Well finally once again as I congratulate you, I say like Julia Caesar said, we came, we saw in our case, we discussed and we conquered. Forward ever backwards never, united we stand divided we fall.


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