Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Three Days of Unrest After the Police Killing of Michael Brown in Missouri
Fire burns in Ferguson, Missouri in response to the police killing of Michael
New York Times

FERGUSON, Mo. — The F.B.I. on Monday opened a civil rights inquiry into the fatal shooting by a police officer of an unarmed black teenager here as protests bubbled into a third night in this St. Louis suburb.

Officers donned riot gear and warily faced off against hundreds of people in response to looting and violence on Sunday night that resulted in 32 arrests.

On Monday night, police officers using tear gas and rubber bullets tried to disperse the crowd of mostly African-Americans, who had been gathering through the day under the hot sun. The protesters questioned the role that race — and simmering tensions between residents and the Police Department — may have played in the killing of Michael Brown, 18, who was to start college this week.

The standoff lasted for more than an hour, with about a dozen men approaching officers with their hands up saying, “Don’t shoot me.” At least 100 police officers were on the scene, shining bright lights into the crowd and telling people to return to their homes.

At one point, the sound of gunfire was heard from within the area where the police had barricaded streets in Ferguson. Earlier in the night, several people threw rocks at officers.

Chief Thomas Jackson of the Ferguson police told The Associated Press that the officers used tear gas and shot “beanbag rounds” after members of the crowd threw rocks at officers and gunfire came from the crowd.

Chief Jackson said the police blocked off the area where most of the looting and vandalism occurred Sunday night out of concern that cars passing by might hit demonstrators in the street.

Brian Schellman, a public information officer with the St. Louis County police, said late Monday that the police had made several arrests for offenses including assaulting a police officer. He said they had no reports of injuries to the police or protesters. Officials have so far declined to identify the police officer who shot Mr. Brown or disclose his race. The officer was put on administrative leave.

“You have to begin with the frustration,” said one of the protesters, Wayne Bledsoe of St. Louis. “Treatment of these communities is not equal. In white communities, the police truly protect and serve. In black communities, that is not the case.”

Ferguson, a city of 21,000 northwest of St. Louis, has shifted substantially over the last decade, with blacks, once a minority, now making up two-thirds of the residents, after many white families moved out to surrounding suburbs. The town’s leadership and the police have remained predominantly white.

In 2013, the suspension of a black superintendent of schools by an all-white school board stirred protests. And the Justice Department has a continuing investigation into racial disparities in legal representation for juveniles in Family Court.

“The community is still highly segregated,” said Karen Knodt, interim pastor of the Immanuel United Church of Christ, whose congregation has 800 members, only four of whom are black.

“The institutions of power don’t yet reflect the changing demographics of the county.”

At a news conference on Monday, Jon Belmar, the St. Louis County police chief, who said his department was asked by the Ferguson police to take over the investigation of the shooting, pleaded for the public’s patience.

“I understand that the public has a right to be skeptical, and I appreciate that and I would expect that the public be skeptical oftentimes of government or some forms of it,” he said. “But I would also ask the public to be reasonable, because it takes a long time to make sure we do this investigation the right way.”

On social media, reaction to Mr. Brown’s killing was fierce, with many accusing the police of again shooting an unarmed black youth. It included a Twitter campaign called “IfTheyGunnedMeDown” prompted by a photograph of Mr. Brown that was used in some news reports about his killing. In the photo, Mr. Brown is shown with fingers of his right hand extended in what some considered a peace sign, while others called it a gang sign.

Mr. Brown’s parents said at a news conference that he was nonviolent and good-natured, and would have objected to the looting. Their lawyer, Benjamin Crump, compared the case to another one in which he represented a family, that of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old shot to death in Florida two years ago by a neighborhood watch coordinator.

“We need justice for our son,” said Mr. Brown’s father, Michael Brown, as his lawyer asked witnesses to step forward with testimony or videotape. “If any of you have information, please give it to us,” he said. “We don’t want no violence.”

“Because Michael wouldn’t want no violence,” said Lesley McSpadden, his mother, weeping.

The circumstances of Mr. Brown’s death on Saturday afternoon as he and a friend walked from a convenience store were disputed. The police said he had hit the officer who shot him; his family and friends denied that.

In a local television interview, the friend who was walking with him, Dorian Johnson, said the officer opened fire when the young men refused to move from the middle of the street to the sidewalk. He said Mr. Brown’s hands were over his head. The autopsy showed Mr. Brown was shot a number of times.

The Ferguson police said they do not have videocameras running in their patrol cars. Residents of Ferguson said they were shaken by the unrest that swept the town on Sunday night, bringing 500 officers to the streets.

One school district nearby canceled classes on Monday, citing safety concerns. Many businesses refused to open or boarded up their windows as a protective measure. On West Florissant Street, the aftermath of Sunday’s protest was still visible in a burned-out convenience store, the smashed windows of a thrift shop and lottery tickets that littered a parking lot.

“It was a miracle that no one was shot,” Chief Belmar said of the looting.

Outside the Police Department, groups of residents criticized the police but also condemned the looting from the night before.

“We don’t want any more violence around here,” said Carolyn Teague, a nurse, as she wiped away tears. The tension, she said, had one source: “Prejudice in this town still lives on.”

Patrice McHaskell, a teacher at a nursery school, said that in a town where the police force is mostly white and residents are mostly black, police officers have acquired a reputation for frequently stopping young black men, often for trivial things.

The shooting has tapped into longstanding resentments, she said: “They’re just outraged and they’re tired of the police messing with them. It brought out all the anger and tension that everybody’s been holding in.”

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. seemed to echo concerns from residents, saying in a statement on Monday that the episode “deserves a fulsome review.”

He added, “Aggressively pursuing investigations such as this is critical for preserving trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve.”

The Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department sometimes begins its own investigation into police departments that appear to show a pattern and practice of using excessive force, as it did this year in Albuquerque, after a series of shootings by the police involving people suffering from mental illness.

The shooting mobilized supporters, including Cornell Williams Brooks, the president of the N.A.A.C.P., who flew into St. Louis on Monday. He said he was committed to seeking justice.

“Note that he was nonviolent,” he told reporters on Monday. “If you want to honor his memory, honor his memory by seeking justice nonviolently.”

Charlie Dooley, the St. Louis County executive, cautioned that the local investigation would not come to a quick conclusion.

“This is a difficult and complex situation,” he said. “There are many sides to the story. There are many answers.”

Julie Bosman reported from Ferguson, and Erica Goode from New York. D. J. Wilson contributed reporting from St. Louis, Alan Blinder from Atlanta, and Emma G. Fitzsimmons from New York.

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