Friday, January 30, 2015

Flint Resident Passes Out Cases of Water to Those in Need
Flint residents demonstrate against polluted drinking water.
Jan 28, 2015 5:48 PM EST
By Alana Holland, TV5 Reporter

FLINT, MI (WNEM) -A Flint man is on a mission to help members of the community get clean water.

"I think you get a lot more by giving than you do by getting," said Mike Sargent with Flint Strong.

That's the motto Sargent lives by and that's reflected in what he does for Flint.

On Wednesday he passed out hundreds of cases of water bottles for free.

"I can't think of anything more important than quality water to drink and bathe in. So it was a real important issue personally to me, and I wanted to do my part for those in need," Sargent said.

Sargent is a fan of Flint. He was born and raised in the city.

He sees the value of Flint and does what he can to make it better for its residents.

"I just feel Flint really needs someone to stand up for it and be positive," he said.

He's the founder of Flint Strong, a group with the goal of bettering the city.

"We donated coats to those in need last year, coats, gloves, hats. We've done park cleanups. The nice thing with Flint Strong is we're just a group that does whatever we can do to those in need," Sargent said.

What's needed right now is water.

"I think he's doing a big contribution to Flint and to everybody else that's going through hard times right now. We really need this and I really thank him," said Marvin Mays, a water bottle recipient.

Sargent said he hopes the water crisis doesn't give Flint a bad name because there are so many great things about his city.

"I think people need to get involved and be positive in Flint. We're heading in a very positive direction here in Flint, you know. Yeah we have a road bump to deal with, but this water crisis will be a thing of the past, hopefully soon. And I think we just have to stay positive," he said.

Sargent knows he can't fix the water problem, but he can bring some relief to those who need it.

"Hopefully, soon our water quality will be where it needs to be. But right now, we need to help those in need," he said.

Read more:

Flint protesters take to City Hall before water meeting

By Kurt Nagl |
January 21, 2015 at 8:31 PM

FLINT, MI - Protesters' cries of "water is a human right" were interrupted only by passing motorists beeping horns in support.

About 25 community members braved the snow flurries and cold to protest Flint's tap water outside of Flint City Hall Wednesday, Jan. 21.

Last month, the state Department of Environmental Quality found the city in violation of federal standards for excess trihalomethane, which is a byproduct of the disinfectant used to treat water from the Flint River. The city issued a warning to residents that the water could be harmful for the elderly, infants and those with compromised immune systems.

The protest was a prelude to the city council meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m. Readers can follow live updates of the water meeting that begins at 7 p.m.

Florlisa Fowler, a Flint resident who organized the protest via Facebook, said she is tired of the city not dealing with the water issue.

"No wonder people are moving out of Flint," she said, waving a protest sign at passing vehicles.
Councilman Eric Mays, First Ward, came out to protest, sticking by the solution he said he has suggested all along: returning to Detroit water.

"Every day we serve this water, somebody could be affected," Mays said. "We are a diligent group, and we want resolve."

Mays said he doubts the council meeting will yield any solution and that he intends to catch experts off guard by asking educated questions.

"They've lost public confidence, but they can restore it by returning to Detroit water," Mays said.

Many protesters complained about health issues related to the city's water.

Cindy Marshall, of Flint, said all she wants is "clean, safe water."

"I am paying over $130 in water bills, plus $150 in store-bought water," she said. "I won't let my dog drink it or my fish swim in it.

"I wish Flint officials would give us our Detroit water back," she added.

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