Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ANC Congratulates Lesotho on Elections
6 March 2015

The African National Congress joins the Southern African Development Communality (SADC), the African Union and other progressive international observer missions in congratulating the people of the Kingdom of Lesotho for conducting and participating in peaceful, transparent, fair and free elections. We further welcome the mediation and facilitation efforts of the SADC Mediator, South African and ANC Deputy President Comrade Cyril Ramaphosa and his collective, which culminated in a solution envisioned by the people of Lesotho to the challenges facing them.

The recent elections in Lesotho are a yet another testament to the entrenchment of democracy in our region and content - giving practical expression to our dearly held belief eloquently articulated in the Freedom Charter that "... no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of all the people". This principle further holds that, in this process of democratisation, the government is able to implement programmes of fundamental economic change and drive change towards that seek a better life for all. The African National Congress wishes the new government and the people of Lesotho well as they continue on their journey towards lasting peace and stability.

Issued by
Zizi Kodwa
National Spokesperson
African National Congress

Keith Khoza 082 823 9672
Khusela Sangoni 072 854 5707

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