Wednesday, October 21, 2015

CSOs: Saudi Arabia Commits Crimes in Yemen Under UN Cover
18 October 2015

SANA'A, Oct. 18 (Saba) – The Higher Council of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) denounced on Sunday the silence of the United Nations about the suffering of the Yemeni people.

"Saudi Arabia commits crimes in Yemen under a UN cover taking advantage of its chairmanship of the human rights committee within the UN entity", the Higher Council of the CSOs' Union said in a statement received by Saba.

The Saudi regime crimes have exceeded reasonable limits in a brutality that has never seen since the world wars, the statement added.

The CSOs' council renewed its appeal to the United Nations and its Secretary-General to move quickly to protect the civil society, provide urgent humanitarian aid, lift the siege on Yemen and stop the genocide crimes committed by the Saudi regime and its allies.


Saudi-led coalition destroys school in Sa'ada

21 October 2015

SA'ADA, Oct. 21 (Saba) - The Saudi-led coalition launched on Wednesday several air raids on Kitaf district of Sa'ada province.

The raids targeted a school district in AL Salem area, a local official said, adding the school was completely destroyed and the adjacent homes were damaged.

It is obvious that the Saudi-led coalition targets the education process in Yemen, the official said.

The Saudi aggression has destroyed more than 80 schools in Sa'ada since last March, when the coalition began its war on Yemen, in addition to many offices of Education Ministry, he said.


Saudi-led strikes kill two citizens in Sa'ada

20 October 2015

SA'ADA, Oct. 20 (Saba) – Two citizens were killed and another wounded due to the Saudi airstrikes on Razih District in Saada province, a local source said on Tuesday.

The aggression strikes led to the destruction of two houses and damage to the houses around, the source added.

The source strongly condemned the deliberate bombardment of the Saudi aggression and its allies on the citizens' homes, pointing out that this is contrary to all international laws and conventions.


Five Saudi soldiers killed in Assir

21 October 2015

ASSIR, Oct. 21 (Saba) – The army and popular committees killed five Saudi soldiers in Rabua'a area of Assir region, a military source said on Wednesday.

The snipers team of the army and popular committees carried out a sniping in process in Rabua'a area, killing five from Saudi soldiers, including an officer, the source explained.

The source added that the operations of the army and popular committees are continuous, pointing out that the Saudi enemy is daily incurred losses in lives and gear.


Saudi aggression targets Bani Matar area in Sana'a

20 October 2015

SANA'A, Oct. 20 (Saba) - The Saudi aggression warplanes launched on Tuesday three raids on Bani Matar District of Sana'a province.

A local source told Saba that the aggression strikes targeted Al-Raid mountain in Sobaha area located in Bani Matar, which resulted in big damage to the agricultural land and citizens' property.


Saudi airstrikes bombard Taiz

19 October 2015

TAIZ, Oct. 19 (Saba) – A local source in Taiz governorate has said that the Saudi aggression warplanes launched a series of sorties against different areas in Taiz.

The source pointed out that the Saudi air raids targeted 60th road st., Taiz airport, Al-Hajr village in Al-Qa’ida, a hotel and Al-Khadra area in Mokha district.

He pointed out that the airstrikes destroyed citizens’ houses and public and private properties.


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