Saturday, October 24, 2015

Promoting Bilateral Trade With Cuba
Promoting bilateral trade on the basis of strong foundations was highlighted by the Vice President of South Africa - on an official visit to the country - during the inauguration of the Cuba-South Africa business forum

Laura Prada |
October 23, 2015 09:10:35

Yesterday, October 22, the Vice President of South Africa, Cyril Ra­maphosa, stated that no other country has contributed more to Africa than Cuba, and highlighted the solid foundations on which relations between Havana and Pretoria have been constructed.

Ramaphosa who arrived on the island October 22, on an official visit to the country, inaugurated the Cuba-South Africa business forum.

He stated that “the encounter will contribute to broadening relations across areas of mutual benefit, as well as uncovering new spheres with the potential to improve the lives of our peoples.”

He also noted that the forum is an ideal occasion in which “to strengthen ties and expand relations in collaboration and trade,” adding that “Cuba is a good place to do business” and emphasized the potential for investment in both countries.

The Vice President also noted that no other country has contributed more to Africa than Cuba, and that for this reason South Africa will continue demanding the lifting of the U.S. blockade imposed on the island for over half a century.

According to the Vice President of Cuba’s Chamber of Commerce, Odalis Seijo, the forum is “a display of South African business people’s confidence.” Seijo also gave details on the next encounter which will take place during the Havana International Trade Fair next month.

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