Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on TVC Satellite News: 'Journalism One of the Most Dangerous Professions'
November 2 is designated as an International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. A resolution was passed in 2013 by the United Nations General Assembly recognizing the dangers facing journalists internationally.

To watch this news segment featuring Abayomi Azikiwe and Komolafe Funmi, just click on the website below:

In this TVC segment aired on November 2, 2015, Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, says that the developments in Egypt surrounding the military coup against the democratically elected government over two years ago illustrates the obstacles facing journalists in that country.

Azikiwe also mentioned other states where monumental cover ups are routinely carried out to justify the status-quo.  

In a statement issued by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, he notes that “More than 700 journalists have been killed in the last decade – one every five days – simply for bringing news and information to the public. Many perish in the conflicts they cover so fearlessly. But all too many have been deliberately silenced for trying to report the truth,” said Mr. Ban in a message on the second World Day. Noting that only 7 per cent of cases involving crimes against journalists are resolved and less that one crime out of 10 is ever fully investigated, he stressed that such impunity deepens fear among journalists and enables Governments to get away with censorship."

“We must do more to combat this trend and make sure that journalists can report freely. Journalists should not have to engage in self-censorship because they fear for their life,” said the UN chief.

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