Thursday, November 05, 2015

Revolutionary Discipline
By OJ Fourie

Discipline is of utmost importance to uphold the integrity of the struggle for socialism. True discipline does not need to be enforced on members. Instead, members are disciplined by themselves in their conduct because of the inward longing to achieve socialism and thereby ensuring a better life for all.

True submission to organisational discipline comes from a life dedicated to the organisation and is expressed in every aspect of one's life. Discipline cause one to always be prepared to submit one's own choices to the decisions of the organisation. Submission to organisational discipline doesn't come into effect when one has brought the organisation into disrepute and therefore needs to submit to any outcome of a disciplinary hearing.

It's a paradox for a comrade to bring the organisational into disrepute, through wrongful behaviour, and then claim to be submissive to organisational discipline when he submit to the call to step down from any particular position of leadership or deployment. A comrade who is truly disciplined would not have committed any wrongful behaviour in the first place that will taint the image of the organisation or even counter the work of the organisation. A disciplined comrade only does what will move the organisation forward.

It is a privilege and an honour to serve the organisation and even more so to serve the organisation in a position of leadership. Much discipline is required from those who serve in leadership positions, as leaders become the face of the organisation. Comrades in leadership positions has so much more responsibility to lead by example and conduct themselves with the highest form of discipline. Their lifestyle must never need to be questioned or come under scrutiny.

An undisciplined comrade is one that breaks down that which he has not build.

The revolution requires of us to be highly disciplined and to submit self-interests to the interests of the organisation. Disciplined cadres will lead to a disciplined organisation and a disciplined organisation puts the interests of the poor and unemployed first. A disciplined organisation will therefore truly put the interests of the people first on the agenda and ensure that real progress is made in the fight against poverty, unemployment and equally.

A disciplined cadre must always be in a process of sharpening himself in order to be in a position to serve the organisation better. A disciplined cadre must learn, read, and improve on his technical ability to advance the revolution.

The ability of a comrade sometimes elevate him into a position of leadership, but the level of discipline should remain to be the final determining factor to serve in a position of leadership.

The opposition benefit from the behaviour of undisciplined members of the organisation. It is the increase of undisciplined members that can lead to the ultimate demise of the organisation.

The same applies to the deployed members in government. Government is plagued by corruption and ineffective service delivery because of ill-disciplined officials. Officials that are luting (using) government resources to serve self-interests instead of serving the interests of the public. This can and will lead to the ultimate failure of the state.

We cannot reward ill-discipline with re-deployment. Ill-disciplined comrades must be un-deployed. For the sake of the future of the organisation hard decisions must be taken and release comrades of their positions of leadership and deployment if they are bringing the organisation into disrepute in any form.

Ill-discipline is the highest form of counter revolutionary behaviour. The challenge is posed to us all…how high can we raise the red flag through revolutionary discipline. It's through our discipline that we will advance the organisation and pave the road to socialism.

OJ Fourie
SACP Deputy District Secretary
Former YCLSA National Committee Member

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