Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Somalia: Al Shabaab Ambushes Army Convoy, 40 Killed
Between 35-40 people confirmed killed in a deadly ambush on Somali army convoy in Lower Shabelle region by heavily armed Al shabaab militants, spokesman said.

The spokesman of Lower Shabelle regional administration Mohamed Shino confirmed to Radio Shabelle that Al shabaab attacked military convoy carrying US-trained soldiers at Waantabe area, 45Kms away from Balli-dogle air base on Monday afternoon.

Mr Shino claimed that Govt troops have warded off the militants' ambush and killed seven Al shabaab fighters during the counter-attack which lasted for several hours.

According to pro-militants websites, Al shabaab killed between 35 to 40 Somali soldiers were killed in the attack ad destroyed four battle-wagons, a claim that Somali officials denied.

Somalia: Soldiers Killed in Rebel Attack

NOV. 3, 2015

At least 15 government soldiers were killed in an ambush by fighters from the Shabab, a Somali rebel group, one day after the group killed a dozen people in an attack in the capital, a military official said late Monday.

The ambush happened near Walaweyn, a town in the Lower Shabelle region, about 58 miles south of Mogadishu, the capital, said Col. Ahmed Muse of the Somali military.

The Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack, according to the group’s online radio station, known as Andalus, saying that 30 soldiers had been killed.

It was not possible to independently verify the group’s claims.

Somalia: Al Shabaab Claims Killing of Kenyan Soldiers in Ambush Attack

Al shabaab claimed it killed several Kenyan soldiers and top officers serving under African Union mission (AMISOM) in an ambush attack in Lower Jubba region of southern Somalia.

Pro Al-shabaab media reported that heavily armed militants have on Tuesday attacked vehicles KDF convoy between Qoqani and Tabta villages, and inflicted irretrievable losses on the Kenya Defence Forces.

The local residents in Qoqani and Qaabta areas were unavailable at the time of the attack for further confirmation of the Al shabaab's claim of killing KDF soldiers.

On Monday, Al shabaab ambushed Somali army convoy near Bali-dogle airbase in Lower Shabelle region, which reportedly killed scores of Govt soldiers and militants.

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