Thursday, February 25, 2016

Biggest Journalist Union in Somalia Express Outrage Over Continued Harassment and Intimidation by Senior Government Officials

Journalist watchdog in Somalia has expressed outrage over what the group termed  a violation of their rights to assembly.

In a press brief, the National Union of Somali Journalists said that latest actions by government ministries amount to harassment, while calling on donor countries and orgernisations to press the federal government to respect the rule of law and uphold human rights values in the country.

The group said that the minister of Information was using his Interior counterpart to intimidate and harass journalists who are members of the Union, saying he uses media managers to achieve his goals in his bid to lessen the power and influence of NUSOJ, the biggest journalist union in the country.

It continued that the ministry has been engaged in “nefarious activities in order to recover from the tremendous legal defeat that stopped them in their tracks from further undermining and criminality impersonating NUSOJ and their legitimate leaders.

On the night if 12 Feb,2016 NUSOJ said that the ministry used the secret service and other state security agencies to disrupt a meeting that was suppose to have taken place the following day.

Omar Faruk Osman, the national Secretary-General of NUSOJ who was present when the state security officer stormed the meeting venue called on the minister of Information, Abdi Hayir Mareeye to respect and uphold the rights of journalist to assemble and reserve the liberty to support the their Union of the choice.

” Respect the integrity if the Union and their leaders, “Omar said.

” NUSOJ wishes to reiterate in strong terms that its right, its freedom, its constitution and sanctity of the Judiciary is sacrosanct and non-negotiable.

“The Union express sincere appreciation to members and international partners for their undivided support and solidarity in this sacred struggle,” the statement said in part.

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