Tuesday, March 08, 2016

KCNA Commentary Urges Hostile Forces to Give up Daydream
Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- The UN Security Council adopted "resolution of harsh sanctions" against the DPRK over its bolstered nuclear deterrence for self-defence and its successful launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4.

    The "resolution" can never represent the fair requirements of the international community as it was an outrageous hostile act of illegalizing the independent right of a sovereign state, and the DPRK has never been bound to such "resolutions" lack of justice and impartiality.

    That is why recently former U.S. high-ranking officials and experts on Korean affairs share the view that sanctions would not help settle any issue.

    Australian National University posted on its website EASP ASIA FORUM a meaningful article contributed by Joseph Dethomas, former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of State who is professor of international affairs of Pennsylvania University.

    The article said that the "sanctions" against north Korea is little short of hammering in vain.

    The U.S., south Korea and Japan switched over to the policy of additional sanctions from the policy of "strategic patience" to force north Korea to scrap its nuclear and missile programs but they had better desist from expecting any results as it is unrealistic to force such a thing on north Korea, the article urged.

    The opinion that a decade-long UN sanctions failed to prevent nuclear tests and missile launches of the DPRK came from officials concerned of the UN.

    UN experts are raising serious questions about the effectiveness of UN sanctions against the DPRK, holding that sanctions failed to prevent the north from bolstering the nuclear and missile capabilities.

    The U.S.-led sanctions against the DPRK are the worst human rights abuse as they are disregarding international law and the norms governing the relations among countries.

    A series of international treaties and resolutions brand the encroachment upon the sovereignty of other country and its economic independence, any measure of threatening and pressuring the economic arteries of other country and economic sanctions against other country as acts of aggression and violation of international law.

    John Ging, operation director of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, answering the questions raised by media at the UN headquarters, expressed concern about the UNSC sanctions against the DPRK.

    From the historical point of view the U.S. has persisted in its moves for systematic and overall sanctions against the DPRK in all fields of the society and economy such as trade, finance and investment in a bid to isolate and stifle it.

    It is getting more hell-bent on its war moves to bring down the socialist system in the DPRK by force of arms by weakening its military potential and securing a pretext for igniting a war of aggression against it.

    However, the U.S. sanctions and pressure on the DPRK that have lasted for more than a half century went bust.

    The DPRK ranked itself among countries possessed of H-bomb and satellite launchers despite persistent political and military pressure, threat and blockade of the imperialist allied forces. This reality clearly proves that sanctions no longer work on the DPRK.

    It is a daydream for the hostile forces to break the will of the DPRK through such sanctions.

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