Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Provokers Will Have to Pay High Price: CPRK Spokesman
Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) released the following statement Monday:

    The U.S. imperialists and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors finally commenced military actions to violate the sovereignty of the DPRK and destroy its right to existence by force.

    That is joint military rehearsal Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military exercises that started Monday.

    This time they even cast away the spurious mask of "annual" and "defensive" which they have so far oft-repeated to conduct them as the most undisguised, most vicious and the largest-ever nuclear war rehearsal for invading the DPRK.

    The rehearsal cannot but be branded as the ferocious war racket that can never be tolerated by the army and people of the DPRK as it was started in the wake of the fabrication of the illegal "resolution" of the UN Security Council against the DPRK in a bid to politically isolate it and strangle its economy.

    It is something unprecedented that almost all three strategic nuclear strike means of the U.S. were deployed throughout south Korea one by one and the large special operational groups and surprise strike landing teams of the three services of the U.S. forces which earned an ill fame as a group of murderers have been engaged in the exercises.

    What is serious is that they are openly claiming that the aim of the joint military drills is to confirm the possibility of applying OPLAN 5015 to an actual war whose main contents are "beheading operation" targeting the supreme headquarters of the revolution of the DPRK, a surprise landing operation for occupying strategic vantage points all of a sudden and an operation for preemptive strikes at nuclear strike means of the DPRK.

    The situation has reached the phase that can no longer be put under control.

    All facts clearly prove that the U.S. imperialists and the puppet forces have escalated the situation under the pretext of the DPRK's H-bomb test for self-defence and its satellite launch for peaceful purposes, with an aim to ignite a war against it.

    Under the prevailing situation the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea again reminds the U.S. imperialists and the puppet forces of south Korea of the fact that the DPRK did not make an empty talk when it said its measures for all-out counteraction include strong physical counteraction now that do-or-die battle of justice has begun to deal sledge-hammer blows at the aggressors and provokers seized with hysteria for a nuclear war and to defend the sovereignty and the right to existence of the DPRK.

    The war maniacs of aggression should not run wild if they are to evade the retaliatory strike to be inflicted by the miniaturized, high-precision and diversified nuclear weapons deployed in operation fields of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army and ready to be used by it at any moment, and not to be perished in the sea of flames by various caliber multiple rocket launchers produced in a serial way and deployed even in reserve artillery units.

    The U.S. imperialists, the sworn enemy of the Korean people, and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors, the worst source of trouble to the nation, should never forget that all the bases of aggression in south Korea, Japan, the Pacific and the U.S. mainland are within the firing range of various type strike means of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK.

    The enemy should clearly know that all the operation units of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK, which turned the mode of their preceding military counteraction into that of pre-emptive strike to cope with the snotty military actions of the enemy attempting to stamp out the sovereignty and right to existence of the DPRK, are placed on a fully-ready posture to detect at once and launch pre-emptive merciless and annihilating strikes at them, not giving any chance of regret, in case they show any sign of provocation.

    It is the final decision made by the service personnel and people of the DPRK that they should deal with the U.S. imperialists and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors by force of arms only as they are bereft of any common knowledge and reason.

    All Koreans at home and abroad and the world peace-loving people aspiring after peace and reunification of Korea would respond to the DPRK's final war of justice against the U.S., the sacred war for national reunification, by joining the fierce action against the war moves of the U.S. and Park Geun Hye.

    If the enemy forces' war racket against the DPRK being recklessly staged in south Korea, a dangerous nuclear arsenal, is overlooked, the Korean nation will neither be safe nor will the world be able to escape from the disaster of a nuclear war.

    The Park Geun Hye group of traitors will meet the bitterest defeat and disgraceful ruin as it once again cried out for making the DPRK pay a "due price" together with the gangster-like U.S. imperialists that challenged the dignity and social system of the DPRK in defiance of the solemn warnings served by it.

    The final victory is in store for the service personnel and people of the DPRK who turned out in a just confrontation with the U.S. and the sacred war for national reunification under the uplifted banner of independence and Songun. 

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