Saturday, March 05, 2016

SACP and SAMWU Bilateral Meeting
3 March 2016

The South African Communist Party (SACP) and South African Municipal Workers` Union (SAMWU) in the Eastern Cape held a successful bilateral meeting at a level of provincial officials at the SACP Provincial office in Bisho. The meeting was held to strengthen our relations and contributing in building each other`s unity.

The SACP in the bilateral meeting expressed its regrets on the absence of SAMWU Provincial Chairperson, Cde David Toyise after persistent efforts and the principled agreement to have the meeting, given the challenges facing the revolution and our organisations.

The meeting discussed and agreed on the joint programme of action as part of building unity and strengthening relations between our formations. We agreed to struggle together to confront socio-economic conditions facing the workers and the poor. In the context of the decision by Nersa to grant a huge increase to Eskom and its implications on the workers and the poor, the focus now is to lower the cost of doing business; our focus will be on lowering the cost of living for the workers and the poor. We will work together in fighting against high food prices and other basic necessities.

We have agreed to strengthen our anti-corruption campaign and to fight to root out corruption in all the municipalities in our provinces. It is our shared view that corrupt elements in the local state and some pockets of the movement do no good for the movement and the people. They only serve to capture the movement for their own selfish interests. It is in this context that both organisation are calling for the immediate tabling and action on all forensic investigation reports in the Eastern Cape municipalities.

We have to work together with all other progressive formations in fighting the new Tax Law and fighting for the transformation and diversification of the finance sector to serve the people. We are therefore calling for comprehensive social security for workers and the poor.

The SACP supports the genuine demands of workers in all the municipalities, and will be part of their actions towards getting positive results. The SACP supports the decision by the SAMWU Provincial Office Bearers to go to the members of SAMWU to explain the challenges facing the union, the decisions taken and to service workers; as the members are the owners and defenders of the union.

Issued by SACP & SAMWU Eastern Cape.


Siyabonga Mdodi
SACP Provincial Spokesperson
Mobile: +2783 358 8070
Office: +2740 635 1042/46
Fax: +2786 268 1281
Facebook: SACP Eastern Cape
Twitter: @SACPECmedia


Milton Myolwa
SAMWU Provincial Secretary
Mobile: +2771 343 3767

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