Thursday, March 31, 2016

SACP Welcomes Decision to Appeal Against the Release of Janusz Walus on Parole
30 March 2016

The South African Communist Party (SACP) welcomes Justice and Correctional Services Minister Michael Masutha`s decision to appeal the 10 March 2016 ruling by the North Gauteng High Court Judge Nocoline Janse van Nieuwenhuizen setting aside the Minister`s decision to deny Janusz Walus parole. The Judge ordered that Walus, who cold-bloodedly murdered SACP General Secretary and ANC leader Comrade Chris Hani on 10 April 1993, must be released from prison on parole within 14 days and that the Minister must determine conditions for his parole.

The SACP has said from the outset after studying the judgement by Judge Nocoline Janse van Nieuwenhuizen that there were serious legal difficulties and loopholes with it. The Party reaffirms its belief that there are reasonable grounds for a successful appeal against the judgement.

As part of the proceedings and as an interested party, the SACP awaits receipt of the Minister`s application for leave to appeal. After perusing the papers working together with Comrade Chris Hani`s family, the two interested parties will determine whether there is a need to file additional papers.

Walus remains an unrepentant murderer. He does not show adequate remorse. He has not demonstrated any understanding of the enormity of the murder he has committed together with his accomplice, Clive Derby-Lewis, who was released on medical parole. The murder pushed our country to the brink of a civil war. The two unrepentant murderers applied for and were denied amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to which they made unreliable submissions. They challenged the outcome in the court of law and their attempts to overturn the Commission`s determination were dismissed. To this day they have not made full disclosure of the truth surrounding the murder.

Issued by the SACP

For General Enquiries on SACP Statements


Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo: National Spokesperson, Head of Communications
Skype: Mashiloam
Mobile: 082 9200 308
Office: 011 339 3621/2
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