Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Party Cadres to the Front to Rebuild Working Class Unity
6 June 2016

The South African Communist Party (SACP) in Skenjana Roji District (Buffalo City Region) convened its first District Executive Committee (DEC) meeting on 05 June 2016 at SAMWU Offices in East London. The meeting was convened for the DEC to establish its structures, develop a programme of action and scientifically analyse the socio-political conditions here at home and abroad.

The meeting received an input from the members of the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC), which served as a guide in pursuance of the discussions in the meeting. The PEC input reflected on the international balance of forces, dangers of the parasitic corporate capture, the internal and external threats to the movement and the 2016 Local Government Elections.

The meeting adopted a programme of action for the term, which will include among other things. A thorough going campaign for the quality affordable integrated public transport in Buffalo City. The working class in Buffalo City is subjected to costly travelling to get to their workplaces or to seek work as the results of colonial spatial planning.

We will campaign vigorously for the transformation and the diversification of the financial sector to serve the people. In so doing we will strengthen our district chapter of the Financial Sector Campaign Coalition (FSCC), which is an important formation to mobilise a broad range of forces in the campaign.

We will continue with our principled fight against corruption, we shall mobilise all organs of the Mass Democratic Movement to join us in this important fight. A fight against corruption is a fight against non-servicing of the people.

In the Buffalo City there is existence of a corrupt syndicate which includes some political leaders and government officials, it exist for a single purpose to loot the people's monies meant to service the people for the benefit of few corrupt and greedy individuals. We will continue to mobilise people to actively fight against this smash and grab syndicate.

We will actively campaign for cleaner communities for environmental needs. We will mobilise the communities to unite and take a greater responsibilities for their own environment. To unite and fight against crime and the drug abuse. We will intensify our contact with the people through our ongoing Know Your Neighbourhood Campaign.

The misuse of Cde Chris Hani's name by a convicted bank robber.

The meeting condemned with strongest contempt possible the opportunistic misuse of the name of our late General Secretary, Cde Chris Hani by a convicted criminal as reported in the Saturday Dispatch of 04 June 2016. Mkhuseli Nombewu who served a jail term for robbing a bank has reportedly claimed that he robbed the bank under the instruction of Cde Chris Hani. This dragging of Chris Hani's name into the mud reflects a credibility problem in the movement which we have been raising.

This convicted criminal who lies about the people's leader of Hani's calibre, represents some of the rogue elements who should have never been included in the ANC candidate list in the first place. These are but some of the challenges we will be confronted with if we refuse to remove criminals from our lists as the movement.

2016 Local Government Elections (LGE).

As the party we commit ourselves to campaign for the overwhelming victory of the African National Congress (ANC) in the upcoming Local Government Elections. We will mobilise our members, our supporters and the people to vote the ANC.

This we will do in line with the SACP Congress resolutions to support the ANC. The ANC is our long standing ally which we shared trenches with, for decades. The communists are the most loyal and reliable members of the ANC.

As we campaign for the ANC we will continue to raise all the things that must be corrected. As the SACP in Skenjana Roji we have in many cases raised the issue of the influence and meddling of the suspended ANC Regional Secretary, Pumlani Mkolo in the ANC list processes, the manipulation of the ANC Candidate list for factional benefits, the victimisation of SACP activists and genuine members of the ANC and subverting of the will of the people, factional dominance in the movement.

The SACP has a long standing principle of always being loyal to the people at all material times. It is for that reason that we refuse to choose factions and fraudulent candidates at the expense of the people, as we have always said we will never campaign for imposed candidates, criminally charged people and known thieves. It is in this context that we will be reporting these matters to the SACP Provincial Executive Committee for us to take an informed decision as it relates to many imposed candidates.

Issued by the SACP Skenjana Roji District.


Ludwe Mnweba
SACP District Spokesperson
Mobile: 0732563521
Tel: 0437228845
Email: ludsmnweba@gmail.com

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