Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Turkey Supports Sudan Against Western Injustice : Diplomat
June 6, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – Government of Turkey has expressed support to Sudan’s efforts to be removed from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.

On Monday, the Turkish Ambassador to Khartoum, Kamal el-Dain Abdn, met in Khartoum with Sudan Vice President, Hasabo Mohamed Abdel-Rahman. The two parties discussed joint cooperation agreements between Sudan and Turkey and ways to cement further the bilateral relations.

“Turkey reconfirmed its official and public support to Sudan,” the Turkish Ambassador to Khartoum, Kamal el-Dain Abdn told media after the meeting.

He said that Ankara is supporting Khartoum in the international forums to end ’’Western injustice and hypocrisy towards Sudan".

“Sudan has cooperated with the western countries in the war against terrorism, illegal migration, organized crime and other international concerns,” said Abdn, stressing that Turkey is committed to develop bilateral relations with Sudan to serve the mutual interests of the two countries.

The Turkish diplomat further said that he discussed with the vice president ways to end challenges facing Turkish investments in Sudan.

Concerning the International Criminal Court, the Turkish diplomat said that his country is supporting Sudan’s stance towards ICC.

“Some non-signatory parties to ICC statute use the court to undermine the relation between the two countries and misuse the international court to halt development in Sudan,” he said.

The ICC issued two arrest warrants against al-Bashir in 2009 and 2010 for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed in Darfur.

Bashir is the first sitting head of state charged by the Hague based court since its inception in 2002.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has referred the Darfur case to the ICC under a Chapter VII resolution in 2005, since Sudan is not a state party to the court.

Several African governments and the African Union have voiced concerns over the ICC’s fairness, and accused it of targeting African leaders.


Sudan to apply officially for WTO membership: minister

June 7, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – The government of Sudan on Wednesday will submit an official application to join the 160-member World Trade Organization (WTO).

Sudan’s official application to join the most powerful legislative and judicial body regulating international trade has been delayed for more than 22 years for political and economic reasons. But if it is admitted the WTO will provide a forum for the east African nation to negotiate trade agreements and settle trade disputes.

The application will be handed over by the Minister of International Cooperation Kamal Hassan Ali .

After meeting the Vice President Abdel Rahman, Ali, Tuesday stated, that Sudan’s delegation to Geneva is mobilizing support to its official application to join WTO.

As the new member has to apply equally to all WTO members, “Sudan’s delegation will meet International Trade Center Director, WTO membership officials, representatives of United Nations Security Council permanent members and the representatives of Brazil, India and China,” Ali said.

Sudan has been seeking WTO membership since November 1994 but negotiations have stalled since 2004.

To join, candidate countries have to offer to cut tariffs, change their laws to guarantee the rights of importers and exporters under WTO rules, commit to implement 24 trade agreements and lift restrictions on imports and exports.

Sudan established a department in the Ministry of Trade to manage WTO membership process and allocated a huge budget for efforts to join WTO.

Last year, WTO expert Fadl Mohiydeen Tahir told Sudan Tribune that Sudanese authorities suffer several problems and lack transparency in addition to a misconception they have that major powers are impeding Sudan’s accession to the WTO.

Fadl said that Sudan’s failure to join the WTO contributed to the lack of economic and transparent investment laws which reflected on the instability of the economy and the spread of corruption and cronyism.

He pointed out that Sudan joining WTO would contribute to attracting foreign and domestic investment and achieving transparency and stability in line with WTO rules and prevents the flight of the national capital and attracting national and foreign investors, which requires a large package of measures and laws.


EU rapprochement with Khartoum does not serve peace in Sudan : PAX

June 7,2016 (KHARTOUM) - The Dutch charity Pax group said alarmed by the new European Union policy towards Sudanese government, pointing it was motivated by domestic pressures to stem migration into Europe but does not serve the cause of peace and human rights in Sudan.

"PAX is concerned that approaches that focus too heavily on building the capacities of an abusive regime and do not adequately address the urgent need to resolve the conflicts in Darfur, South Kordofan, Blue Nile and Eastern Sudan through inclusive political dialogue are likely to do harm, including increase the numbers of irregular migrants from Sudan in the medium to long term," said the advocacy group in a report released on Monday.

The report went further to express fears that the rapprochement with the Sudanese government includes a series of risks that are not addressed by the EU officials.

"Treating Sudan primarily as a transit country for refugees ignores the extensive role of the government in producing refugees and IDPs, not least through its brutal counter-insurgency attacks, through its exacerbation of the catastrophic humanitarian situation of refugees and IDPs, and through its repression of dissent," said the report in reference to the armed conflicts in Darfur region and the Two Areas as well as the repeated violation of human rights by the security apparatus.

The Netherlands based group also said that Khartoum government is not credible and expressed doubts over Khartoum seriousness to honour its commitments saying it ’’ has not respected the undertakings made in successive peace processes’’ and switched easily regional alliances radically.

The report further claimed that Sudanese officials are involved in the illegal human trafficking stressing that working with the Sudanese security service risks to reinforce ’ repressive and abusive agents and agencies’’.

Last April The EU officially allocated Sudan 100 million Euro to improve the living conditions for refugees, help Sudanese returnees to reintegrate back into society, and to improve security at the border.

In addition to this support, Sudan benefits from additional funding under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, in particular from a €40 million programme to better manage migration in the region.


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