Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Baton Rouge Police Tactics in Alton Sterling Shooting Protests Questioned
Protesters march toward the state capitol in Baton Rouge on Sunday, July 10, 2016, days following the Alton Sterling shooting. (Photo by Chris Granger, Nola.com | The Times-Picayune)

Chris Granger, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
July 11, 2016 at 7:36 PM

Baton Rouge police are facing criticism for the tactics used to deal with protests in the wake of Alton Sterling's officers-involved fatal shooting, with groups like Amnesty International questioning whether police are committed to protecting First Amendment rights.

Protests on Sunday (July 11) have become a flashpoint for those criticisms after police ordered protesters off the street, then arrested people standing on private property when they refused to leave the area.

Police have said the group was targeted because they blocked a residential street hours before, but most of the arrests on Sunday were made while people were on private property -- some with authorization of the owner.

A look at the laws and policies governing when police can use deadly force.

Jamira Burley, a senior campaigner for Amnesty International, was in Baton Rouge over the weekend observing the protests and said she was deeply concerned about several aspects of the police response.

She said police responding in heavy military-style gear and vehicles, their decision to arrest people during an otherwise peaceful protest on private property, and the high number of arrests all appeared to be aimed at scaring protesters into not returning to demonstrations.

Many people who might otherwise be willing to demonstrate may not have the $250 needed to be bailed out of jail, Burley said, and could be dissuaded from protesting due to the perceived high likelihood of being arrested.

A large group of police in riot gear moved in on protesters in Baton Rouge who had gathered in a home's yard

She also said the BRPD's reaction could serve to undermine any police efforts to rebuild trust in the community because the images of police in riot gear tapping on their shields as they moved in on protesters would serve as a lasting memory.

Baton Rouge Police did not respond to a request for comment. Before Sunday's protests, Gov. John Bel Edwards called the police response "moderate" and appropriate in the effort to deter lawlessness. Louisiana State Police Superintendent Mike Edmonson said some protesters threw chunks of concrete at police and hit some officers, who were not hurt because they were wearing helmets.

But the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana on Monday also criticized the police response, saying that police "used violent, militarized tactics on groups of people who have gathered peacefully in protest of Alton Sterling's killing."

"The police lunged and grabbed at peacefully assembled people and threw them to the ground," ACLU of Louisiana Executive Director Marjorie Esman said in a statement. "Such misconduct violates the constitution and is serving to escalate an environment already filled with tension."

Protesters on Sunday also decried the police tactics. Jeremy Douglas, a 24-year-old Baton Rouge resident, said that he objected to police in riot gear responding to the protests, which have shown little indication that they would turn violent. He also said the high number of arrests will haunt the police department for years to come.

"They're opening up old wounds and new wounds. It's scarring Baton Rouge," Douglas said of the police response. "I believe they're using tactics to scare the crowd, hoping it will keep them from coming out and exercising their constitutional rights. It's a dirty tactic."

Dispersing protesters should be 'last resort,' advocates say

In a letter to Baton Rouge Police, Amnesty International wrote that police are required to follow international human rights standards, which requires police to "disperse an assembly ... only as a last resort."

"Arrest and detention should be carried out only in accordance with procedures established by law and should not be used as a means to prevent peaceful participation in a public assembly,nor as a means of intimidation or punishment for participation," the group said.

The group was also critical of the arrest of Deray Mckesson, a well-known Black Lives Matter protester, on Saturday. Burley said that she was standing next to Mckesson when he was arrested after being accused of standing in a public roadway. Burley said she never saw Mckesson step into the road, and said she suspects he was targeted by police for being a protest leader.

Burley said that appeared to be occurring on Sunday as well, with police arresting some of the most vocal protesters who appeared to be leading the demonstrations. Many protesters were arrested and led away without being told of their charges, Burley said.

Kyle McKinley, a 21-year-old Baton Rouge resident, said Sunday's protests were particularly disturbing because it felt like protesters were being targeted with a military operation.

"The final push down the street was a raid. There was no option to disperse," McKinley said. "They were cornered by officers far more equipped than we were."

McKinley said the protests, and the police response, should leave a lasting impression on people watching nationwide.

"You have the one problem of racist police that we react to," McKinley said. "What we realize is that we have city militaries."

Kevin Litten is a state politics reporter based in Baton Rouge. Reach him at klitten@nola.com or 225-436-2207. Follow him on Twitter @kevinlitten.

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