Monday, July 04, 2016

South Africa: It's All Systems Go for Local Government Elections
Pretoria — Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Committee of Elections, Minister Des van Rooyen, says it is all systems go for Local Government Elections to be held on 3 August 2016.

"With a successful elections registration process done, the announcement of the election date and its proclamation and the decision of the Constitutional Court now known, as government we can definitely say that it is all systems go towards the local government elections," said Minister van Rooyen.

The Minister also noted that all South Africans have the responsibility to strengthen democracy by voting in the coming Local Government Elections, and urged them to make their voices heard by going out in numbers to choose the local government leaders of their choice.

"We are confident that the 03 August 2016 polls will definitely be free and fair and we are happy that all political parties have signed a code of conduct agreeing that they will strive to ensure the existence of a free and fair local government elections.

"In the last week, we have seen a very busy week of electioneering by all parties and that by and large there has only been a few incidents which have been speedily attended to by the authorities. We urge all political parties not to incite violence through their statements as they crisscross the country engaging various communities," said Minister van Rooyen.

He further urged South Africans not to disenfranchise themselves and go out to vote in the coming Local Government Elections because "Local Government in in your Hands and each and every vote contributes to strengthening our democracy".

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