Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Zimbabwe: Youth League Wants Kasukuwere Out
By Tendai Mugabe
Zimbabwe Herald

CALLS for the removal of Cde Saviour Kasukuwere from the post of Zanu-PF national political commissar continued growing yesterday, with the party's Youth League and affiliate, the Zimbabwe Liberation War Collaborators Association (Ziliwaco) adding their voices to the nationwide lobby.

Cde Kasukuwere stands accused of a slew of allegations, among them graft and seeking to unseat President Mugabe through parallel structures.

The Youth League and Ziliwaco join the party's 10 administrative provinces, which have since endorsed the sacking of the embattled Cde Kasukuwere on a litany of charges by passing a vote of no confidence on him.

The party's Women's League raised the red flag on Cde Kasukuwere whom it accused of being the brains behind its expelled members Cdes Eunice Sandi Moyo and Sarah Mahoka, who were accused of undermining the head of the wing, First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe.

The Youth League had been silent over the matter, but Cde Kudzanayi Chipanga, who heads the wing, told The Herald yesterday that they had no objections to charges being levelled against Cde Kasukuwere.

He said they were alive to developments taking place in the party and the youths had been actively participating in all provincial activities calling for Cde Kasukuwere's expulsion.

"All youths are participating in the provincial activities that are taking place against Cde Kasukuwere countrywide," he said. "All youths are supportive of that and we have not heard of any province which is against that.

"They are speaking without any influence and it is their democratic right."

Cde Chipanga's remarks put to rest claims in some quarters that those demonstrating against Cde Kasukuwere were either coached or not Zanu-PF members.

He said Cde Kasukuwere's matter would be tabled for discussion at the next Politburo meeting.

"Cde Kasukuwere's matter is not a Youth League affair, but a party issue and as such it will be tabled before the next Politburo meeting," said Cde Chipanga.

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"We will make a decision as a party and not as a wing. We are observing developments taking place in the provinces and we are waiting for their submission to the Politburo and will be deliberated at its next meeting."

Zanu-PF UK and Europe branch yesterday also weighed in, supporting the resolution to fire Cde Kasukuwere.

In a statement, the branch's chairperson Cde Nick Mangwana said: "Zanu-PF UK and Europe executive resolves that Cde Kasukuwere's matter be subjected to due process as enshrined in our constitution.

"All antagonistic parties stop internecine fights and focus on service delivery as well as preparation for 2018 elections as directed by the First Secretary and President."

Cde Mangwana continued saying they agreed: "To express solidarity with any decision that is taken by Mashonaland Central Province which is regular and taken in accordance with our party constitution, practices and customs of the party."

Cde Kasukuwere is accused of trying to unseat President Mugabe by creating parallel structures to support his machinations at an extraordinary Zanu-PF congress.

He is said to be working with his half-brother Cde Dickson Mafios (suspended Zanu-PF Mashonaland Central acting chairman), and petitions recommending their expulsion have been transmitted to the party's headquarters.

President Mugabe has since advised that all grievances be dealt with formally through party structures instead of public demonstrations.

This followed demonstrations held by the party structures in Mashonaland Central against Cde Kasukuwere and his half brother Cde Dickson Mafios, who is the acting provincial chairperson.

A high level Zanu-PF delegation is expected in Mashonaland Central tomorrow on the instructions of President Mugabe to meet the Provincial Co-ordinating Committee.

The delegation, led by Secretary for Administration Cde Ignatius Chombo, was supposed to have gone to the province on Sunday, but the meeting was postponed after some Politburo members who were supposed to attend became committed elsewhere.

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