Monday, July 31, 2017

Guidance to Second Test-fire of ICBM Hwasong-14
The second test-fire of ICBM Hwasong-14 was successfully carried out on the night of July 28, Juche 106 (2017) under the supervision of Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army.

Kim Jong Un guided the test-fire on the spot.

He, who is always bringing about ceaseless miracles and victories, baffling the imagination of the world people with his rare military wisdom, great guts and stratagem, set forth a militant task for the rocket research field to conduct another test-fire simulating the maximum range of Hwasong-14 at an early date to prove once again the reliability of the whole rocket-system.

The scientists and technicians in the field of defence industry, loyalists of the Party sharing the intention, breath and step with the leader with an absolute trust in it, rounded off earlier than scheduled the preparations for the second test-fire of Hwasong-14 through a decisive campaign with confidence and will to fully demonstrate the powerful might of the strategic nuclear force of the WPK.

During the preparation period, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un received reports about the preparations and gave detailed instructions every day. On the night of July 28, he visited the rocket-launching site to guide the test-fire on the spot.

The test-launch was aimed at finally confirming the overall technological specifications of the weapon system of Hwasong-14 capable of carrying a large-sized heavy nuclear warhead, including its maximum range.

By order of the Supreme Leader, the intercontinental ballistic rocket Hwasong-14 loaded with the tremendous might of heroic Korea roared into space, leaving a column of flames behind.

The rocket that blasted off from the northwestern part of the DPRK reached an altitude of 3 724.9 km and flew 998 km for 47 minutes and 12 seconds before landing in the target waters in the open sea.
The test-fire was carried out at the maximum angle launch system mocking the maximum range, and had no adverse effect on the security of neighbouring countries.

The test-fire reconfirmed the specific features of the rocket system such as the rocket's separation from its launching pad, stage-separation, structural system, etc. which were confirmed at the first test-fire, and confirmed the performing features of motors whose number has increased to guarantee the maximum range in the active-flight stage as well as the accuracy and reliability of the improved guidance and stability system.

The attitude control features of heavy warhead in the middle flight stage after the separation of warhead were reconfirmed, and the accurate guidance and attitude control of warhead was ensured at the atmospheric re-entry at the angle launch system harsher than the actual maximum-range flying conditions. The structural stability of warhead was maintained and the warhead explosion control device showed normal operation even at thousands of degrees of Centigrade.

Expressing great satisfaction over the results of the ICBM test-fire which proved to be a perfect and big success without an inch of error, Kim Jong Un highly praised the scientists, technicians and officials in the field of rocket research and gave them special thanks in the name of the Party Central Committee.

The test-fire reconfirmed the reliability of the ICBM system, demonstrated the capability of making surprise launch of ICBM in any region and place any time, and clearly proved that the whole US mainland is in the firing range of the DPRK missiles, he said with pride.

The maximum range simulation test-fire of ICBM conducted by the DPRK today is meant to send a grave warning to the US making senseless remarks, being lost to reason, he said, adding this would make the policy-makers of the US properly understand that the US, an aggression-minded state, would not go scot-free if it dares provoke the DPRK.

The US trumpeting about war and extreme sanctions and threat against the DPRK only emboldens the latter and offers a better excuse for its access to nukes, he said, stressing: To the Korean people who experienced disastrous disturbances of war on this land by the beast-like US imperialists, the powerful war deterrence for defending the state is an inevitable strategic option and it is a precious strategic asset that cannot be bartered for anything.

If the Yankees brandish the nuclear stick on this land again despite our repeated warnings, we will clearly teach them manners with the nuclear strategic force which we has shown them one by one, he emphasized.

He warmly congratulated the scientists and technicians in the field of rocket research who demonstrated once again the independent prestige and dignity of Juche nuclear power, the world-level rocket power, by succeeding in the second test-launch of ICBM Hwasong-14. He, taking them in his arms, had a photo session with them which will go down in history.

The DPRK, advancing along the new line of the great Workers' Party of Korea on simultaneously building up the economy and defence, will develop much more the most powerful strategic weapons, Juche weapons, which will display the invincible might of Juche Korea and its inexhaustible potentiality of development to the world until the US and its vassal forces trying to undermine the
DPRK's dignity and its right to existence are eliminated, and will achieve the final victory in the showdown with the imperialists and the US without fail.

Accompanying him were Ri Pyong Chol, Kim Rak Gyom, Kim Jong Sik, Jang Chang Ha, Jon Il Ho, Yu Jin and Jo Yong Won.


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