Monday, July 31, 2017

US Moves for Unchallenged Edge of Its Strategic Force Blasted
The US is now keen on arms and equipment modernization while crying out for tough counteraction against the "threat" from the DPRK.

US Congressmen are trumpeting about arms and equipment modernization while suggesting the resumption of the "Star Wars Program" against the DPRK, and the US Defence secretary instructed to examine in an all-round way the missile defence strategy.

The Washington Times on its internet homepage on July 12 put it that Pentagon plans to invest billions of US dollars in updating missile defence system, to divert 1.5 billion US dollars out of 7.9 billion originally planned for ground-to-air missile defence system and Aegis ballistic missile defence system for updating 36 ground-to-air missile defence system built across the US and to stage long-term missile defence exercises on a regular basis to cope with "missile threat" from north Korea.

The US Defence Department instructed the US munitions monopolies to submit within two weeks the design for new air-to-air interceptor missile five times faster than the existing interceptor missiles, and ordered them to step it up so that they can be deployed for an actual war after going through manufacturing and test processes at an earliest possible date.

Australian lawyer James commented the key purpose that the US repeats the excuse of "threat from north Korea" is to justify the presence of the US forces in East Asia and contain and lay a siege to China, biggest threat to its hegemonic strategy.

The reason why the US is talking about the resumption of the "Star Wars Program" and getting keen on modernization of arms and equipment is never because of the DPRK but to serve its crafty intention to ensure an unchallenged edge of its strategic force over China.

It is not a secret that the "Star Wars Program" was a space war scenario that the Reagan administration worked out with an aim at stamping out the Soviet system under the pretext of "military threat from the Soviet Union" far back in the 1980s.

The program, a tricky scenario to create the atmosphere of horror within the then Soviet Union and undermine its economy, has been raised by the US again. The aim sought by it now is to hold a strategic edge over regional big powers including China.

The US remains unchanged in its ambition for world domination.

The US reactionary strategy for world domination aims at pressurizing and containing its rivals and challengers by force, and holding a hegemonic position.

The contradiction between China and the US over THAAD deployment clearly proves that any development on the Korean peninsula and in the region would be enough to stir up the interests of big powers as big powers stand in acute confrontation in their strategic interests.

The moves for the expansion of military influence in Asia and the concurrent movement to contain it have escalated military tension between China and the US and further accelerated arms race.

We will never remain an on-looker to the situation in which conflict caused by the US may reach the dignified DPRK.


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