Friday, February 09, 2018

Sudan Confiscates Three Newspapers
A Sudanese man reads a newspaper as he waits to pay at a kiosk in the capital Khartoum, on July 31, 2011 (AFP)

February 8, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - In a new blatant breach of press freedom, the National Security and Intelligence Services (NISS), on Thursday morning, confiscated three newspapers without giving any reasons.

The seizure affected the independent Al-Jarida and Al-Tayyar newspapers and Al-Midan, the organ of the Sudanese Communist party.

The move comes in the context of the NISS efforts to contain the opposition calls for protests against the rising prices and to prevent any coverage of the demonstrations. Last month, NISS agents arrested journalists who covered a protest in Omdurman on 17 January for several days.

On Wednesday the police and security forces prevented a planned protest in Al-Jeraif suburb organized by the opposition Unionists Alliance. However, activists succeeded to carry out small protests in the capital.

Last January, the NISS confiscated Al-Jarida several times for the refusal of its editor to abide by an oral directive to not cover the protests.

For Al-Mindan this is the third time in this month of February and, the tenth since last January 2018.

The confiscation of the print runs is seen as an economic punitive measure against the newspapers independent newspapers that resist the will of security apparatus and cross the red-lines.


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