Wednesday, May 16, 2018

COSATU Condemns Massacre of Palestinian Children by Israel in Gaza – Supports Recall of South African Ambassador by Our Government Led by the ANC
15 May 2018

COSATU is extremely horrified by the unbelievable barbarism of Israel against the Palestinian people. The ruthless massacre of innocent children, women and ordinary Palestinians in Gaza represents the continuation of the colonial, apartheid and racist policy of occupation against the Palestinians.

The genocidal attacks by the Israeli Defence Force in Gaza and the simultaneous recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, are a gross violation of International law and the intensification of the occupation.

COSATU has and continues to be vocal against the apartheid rule of Israel, supported by the US in its brutal annexation of lands of other people; from the Golan Heights in Syria to the whole of Palestine to Lebanon.

COSATU calls on all workers, activists, political movements, social justice organisations, religious and cultural communities, as well as all peace-loving people to join the Great march tomorrow in Cape Town marking Nakba day, which shall be at 2pm till 5pm.

We firmly welcome and support the South African government for acting decisively and recalling our Ambassador to Israel by our government led by the ANC, with immediate effect, as an expression of both outrage and solidarity to isolate the apartheid state of Israel. We call on all other countries, particularly BRICS, G77, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and AU member states to also isolate the colonial occupying state of Israel.

The world must stop being hypocritical and call Israel for what it is, an apartheid colonial state that murders children and women, steal the land of the indigenous people of Palestine, as well as controls US Foreign Policy and mainstream international media to spread lies and distortions about the reality of the horror in the Middle East. The shame of the so-called civilised world in our era.

Issued by COSATU
Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)
Tel: 011 339 4911
Fax: 011 339 5080
Cell: 060 975 6794

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