Friday, May 04, 2018

More ZANU-PF Primaries Winners Named
04 MAY, 2018 - 00:05
Farirai Machivenyika
Zimbabwe Herald
Senior Reporter

Zanu-PF yesterday released more names of candidates who won primary elections to contest for National Assembly seats in the forthcoming harmonised elections on the revolutionary party’s ticket. In the latest results, more of the old guard made it into Senate.

This followed the release of the bulk of the successful candidates on Wednesday.

The ruling party also released some of the candidates that were elected for senatorial and women’s quota seats.

“We continue with the announcement of the candidates that were successful in the contestation of our candidates.

“Yesterday (Wednesday) I gave out names of candidates who were successful for the National Assembly and I left out some names that had not reached our offices by close of business yesterday,” said political commissar, Lieutenant-General Engelbert Rugeje (Retired).

Candidates announced last night are Cdes Mackson Mudenda (Binga South), Cephas Mudenda (Binga North), Sonny Key Mguni (Bubi), former Victoria Falls mayor Nkosilathi Jiyane (Hwange West), Reeds Dube (Hwange Central), Gorden Chanda (Gokwe Sesame), Torerai Moyo (Gokwe Chireya), Justice Mayor Wadyajena (Gokwe Nembudziya), Leonard Chikomba (Gokwe Kabuyuni) and Webster Shamu (Chegutu East).

“As I indicated yesterday, there are certain constituencies where we are going to have a rerun of the primary elections.

“The National Elections Commission is going through a number of appeals and after their adjudication we will then determine which constituencies are going to be rerun in terms of primaries,” Lt-Gen Rugeje (Rtd) said.

On demonstrations that occurred at Zanu-PF Headquarters yesterday, he said: “There were a few people who demonstrated outside and we believe it is their democratic right to do so but after they were addressed by our commissariat department that whatever appeals they had launched were going to be addressed, they then dispersed.”

Meanwhile, Zanu-PF also released names of candidates of people that were successful in polls to represent the party in the women’s quota and Senate.

Prominent names that were successful in the women’s senatorial candidates include Manicaland Provincial Affairs Minister Cde Monica Mutsvangwa (Manicaland), Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Cde Prisca Mupfumira (Mashonaland West), Thokozile Mathuthu (Matabeleland North), Tambudzani Mohadi (Matabeleland South) and Midlands (Tsitsi Muzenda).

Prominent names for males senatorial candidates include Health Minister Cde David Parirenyatwa, former Finance Minister Dr Herbert Murerwa and former Minister of State Security Dr Sydney Sekeramayi (Mashonaland East), former Education Minister Gabriel Machinga, Lovemore Matuke and Minister of State for Masvingo Provincial Affairs Josaya Hungwe (Masvingo) while in Matabeleland North there are Home Affairs Minister Cde Obert Mpofu and Matabeleland North Provincial Affairs Minister Cde Cain Mathema and Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Cde Simon Khaya Moyo Matabeleland South.

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