Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sudan, Russia Discuss Promotion of Military Cooperation
President Putin shakes hands with President al-Bashir at the Black Sea resort of Sochi on 23 Nov 2017 (Photo Kremlin)

May 18, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan and Russia have discussed ways to promote military cooperation between the two countries.

On Thursday, the deputy head of a presidential committee tasked with the relations with BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Awad Ahmed al-Jaz met with the Russian Ambassador to Khartoum, Vladimir Zheltov.

In press statements following the meeting, the Russian envoy said the meeting discussed issues of common concern within the framework of bilateral cooperation as well as within the BRICS.

He pointed out that his country attaches great importance to promoting its relations with the friendly countries to achieve common interests and goals.

Zheltov added the meeting also discussed ways to promote the political dialogue and cooperation in the economic, trade, investment and industrial fields, pointing to the need to exert more efforts to reach the highest levels of relations.

During his visit to Russia in November 2017, President Omer al-Bashir proposed to President Vladimir Putin to build a military base on the Red Sea coast and to re-equip the Sudanese army with the Russian weapons including SU-30 fighter jets and surface-to-air missiles.

Politically, Russia is seen as a major ally of the government of al-Bashir that faces isolation from the West. However, economic cooperation between the two countries has remained very low, with a trade balance that does not exceed $400 million.

In December 2015, Sudan and Russia signed 14 cooperation agreements in different domains, including oil, minerals and banks.

The agreements also include a concession contract between Sudan and the Russian Rus Geology to prospect for oil in Sudan’s Bloc E57 and another accord for the geological mapping of the Jebel Moya area, North Kordofan State.


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