Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Tradition of Revolutionary Unity
The history of the Korean revolution has been adorned with proud annals of victory during which the Korean people have achieved the revolutionary unity under the guidance of their leaders.

In May 1936 the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland (ARF) was founded as the first anti-Japanese national united front organization in Korea. This constituted a historic occasion which originated the revolutionary unity.

President Kim Il Sung, who embarked on the road of revolution with a high ambition to win back his lost country deprived of by the Japanese imperialists in his early years, regarded it as an important issue decisive of victory or defeat in the revolution to rally all the forces of the nation as one under the banner of patriotism. It was his steadfast stand that it was fully possible to form a united front organization if there were the masses of people and the leadership core and that it was important to rally all the people with their common purposes and desires as the criterion, irrespective of the number of persons.

After making thoroughgoing preparations for rallying the entire Korean nation behind the anti-Japanese national united front, he convened a meeting for the founding of the ARF at Donggang, Fusong County of China in May Juche 25 (1936). The meeting was held for several days with the attendance of military and political cadres of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army and delegates of workers, peasants, teachers and Chondoists. At the meeting he delivered a report and made public the Ten-Point Programme of the ARF, Inaugural Declaration and Rules he personally worked out. On May 5 1936 he declared the founding of the ARF.

The Ten-Point Programme won active support and response among broad sections of the masses, including workers, peasants, intellectuals and students, as it included such contents as liberating the country with the united efforts of all the Koreans and building a country in which the people are its masters.

The ARF embraced men and women of all ages, irrespective of property status, standards of education and religious beliefs. With the network of ARF organizations rapidly expanded to the vast areas at home and abroad, the preparations for launching the all-people resistance were conducted vigorously on a nationwide scale and the all-people resistance forces were grown and gained in strength with each passing day. The KPRA units, together with them, launched the general offensive to put an end to the colonial rule by the Japanese imperialists and finally achieved the historic cause of Korea’s liberation in August 1945.

Thanks to the tradition of the revolutionary unity based on one ideology and a single centre, the Korean people, after the liberation of their country, could build a prosperous, independent and sovereign state in hearty response to the President’s call to build a new Korea, those with strength dedicating strength, those with knowledge devoting knowledge and those with money offering money. And they humbled the US imperialists who had boasted of being the “strongest” in the world and firmly safeguarded the destiny of the country and the nation.

In those days of stepping up the socialist construction, the Korean people displayed fine moral traits of helping and leading each another forward, turning the whole country into a great harmonious family that is united with comradely love and revolutionary obligation.

Chairman Kim Jong Il held up the single-hearted unity as the revolutionary philosophy of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the great foundation of the revolution, and realized the unity and cohesion of the Party and people centred on the leader. He built up the WPK into a motherly party that serves the masses of the people and administered comprehensive benevolent and all-embracing politics. In support of his leadership, the Korean people defended socialism and dynamically pushed forward the building of a thriving country even under the situation in which their country was experiencing the worst difficulties.

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, who sets the single-hearted unity as the fundamental cornerstone of socialism, is further strengthening the great army-people unity and creating the history of respecting, prioritizing and loving the people. The Korean service personnel and people, who regard his idea and leadership as the fundamental guidelines in state building and activities, are working miracles and innovations at all workplaces and building monumental structures of lasting value at one go, thus continuously ushering in a great golden age of construction, true to his plan and decision.

The tradition of revolutionary unity created and carried forward by the great leaders and their immortal exploits will go down in the ever-victorious history of the Korean people who are advancing on the strength of single-hearted unity and under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

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