Monday, May 14, 2018

Zionists Clash With Pro-Palestine Group at Israeli Celebration in Auckland
Newshub staff

Clashes were expected at an event on Sunday celebrating the 70th anniversary of the formation of Israel, but protesters kept their word and remained peaceful.

Around 80 people gathered at Silo Park in Auckland celebrating the day, and around 15 Auckland Peace Action protesters turned up carrying a Palestine banner.

The protestors were held back by a line of police to prevent any conflict.

Protest comes from the Auckland Peace Action, who disagree with the celebration of the day as ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people continues in West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

May 14, 1948, marks a day of independence for Israel as they fought off armies to claim their own state.

Valerie Morse of Auckland Peace Action says their people are still being murdered in the occupied territories. She says celebrating the Jewish state's oppressive ways is wrong.

"We are in support of the Palestinian people - freedom, justice and self-determination for the Palestinian people."

President of The Zionist Federation Rob Berg says the group's protest is disappointing.

"It's surprising and always distressing that it always seems to be when Israel's involved, whereas every other country's allowed to have these types of celebrations."


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