Thursday, August 30, 2018

Mozambique: AU Donates $100,000 Towards Disaster Relief
APA News

The African Union has donated $100,000 to support the efforts of the Mozambican government in preventing natural disasters and in providing relief for their victims, APA can report on Thursday.Jacques Ndoumbe, the head of an AU mission visiting Mozambique to gather experience about natural disaster management, delivered the donation to the Minister of State Administration, Carmelita Namashalua.

“I am returning to AU headquarters with a god impression and I believe that Mozambique is one of the African countries with the best record in managing disasters, and hoped that its experiences could be replicated elsewhere”, Ndoumbe said on Thursday in the capital Maputo.

Thanking Ndoumbe for the gesture, Namashalua said it indicated that the AU is following the successes and constraints in Mozambique’s efforts to prevent and manage disasters.

“We have the Disaster Fund, approved in 2017, to which the government allocates $4 million annually and this sum will be deposited in that fund” she said.

The official told the AU delegation that the government is currently analysing the expected behavior of the main river basins in the region, as the 2018-2019 rainy season approaches.

The rainy season runs from October through to March.

Mozambique, which is vulnerable to natural disaster, is cyclically pelted with torrential rains resulting in deaths in which rivers burst their banks and drive thousands of villagers to flee flooded homes.

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