Friday, March 01, 2019

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Denounces US Intervention in Venezuela
The Minnesotan lawmaker has been subject to harsh criticism, ridicule, racism, and threats of violence for her unapologetic, progressive policies. | Photo: Reuters

28 February 2019

"We’re sending humanitarian aid  in the guise of eventually invading this country and the people of the country don’t want us there," she said.

An immigrant and the first Black, Muslim-American woman elected to Congress, Minnesota representative, House Democrat Ilhan Omar says she completely opposes the idea of U.S. intervention into Venezuela as well as rejects the self-declared interim president, Juan Guaido.

During an interview with both Deconstructed and the Rolling Stones this week, Omar said that the best solution for Venezuela and the United States is to support dialogue between the two parties.

“What we should be involved in is having diplomatic conversations and bringing people to the table and being a partner in facilitating that. But we are threatening, we are threatening intervention. We’re sending humanitarian aid that is in the guise of, you know, eventually invading this country and the people of the country don’t want us there,” Omar told Deconstructed journalist, Mehdi Hasan.

Since Jan. 24, the United States has supported Guaido and his attempts to oust the democratically elected Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. South American Opposition lawmaker has aligned himself with President Donald Trump and other war-mongering officials, saying “all options are on the table” including a militarized intervention.

Omar, who arrived to the U.S. as a refugee from the Somali civil war at age 12, said, “By principle, I’m anti-war because I survived a war. I’m also anti-intervention. I don’t think it ever makes sense for any country to intervene in a war zone with the fallacy of saving lives when we know they are going to cause more deaths. I also don’t believe in forced regime change. Change needs to come from within.”

Despite harsh criticism from both sides, the Somali congresswoman has continued to denounce the Trump Administration’s push for militarized intervention, in spite of condemnation from the international community on numerous occasions.

“It’s about making sure that we follow international law. It is about protecting the sovereignty. It’s about allowing people to have self-determination. It’s about making sure that we are not constantly using our resources to destroy other people’s resources. It’s about awakening the American people to the realization that there are profits to be had and there is a purpose for our involvement in many of these countries.

“And it’s about really reckoning with this idea that we go to war in places like Iraq and Afghanistan and in Yemen and in Somalia, but then we put them on a ban and we don’t allow those people who we have made refugees to come into this country,” she said, referring to Trump’s recent ban preventing Venezuelan migrants from entering the U.S.

However, the president’s administration may come to an end before Trump can take any action against Venezuela, Omar told Rolling Stones, saying that his impeachment is “inevitable.” Although with his departure comes a far more alarming possibility.

“I believe that impeachment is inevitable. It also is a terrifying notion. Pence is an ideologue, and the ideology he holds is more terrifying to me and my constituents. And we have not had a full impeachment that removes the president from office. Nations struggle any time [they] overthrow a dictator, and Trump really has the markings of a dictator,” Omar said.

Since her election in November, the progressive lawmaker has been the subject of harsh criticism, ridicule, racism, and threats of violence for her unapologetic stance against the lobbyist group, American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC), and their influence in U.S. politics; Palestinian rights, and Zionism.

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