Saturday, March 09, 2019

Soil and Woman
Kim Song Hui is the chairwoman of the management board of the Yakjon Cooperative Farm in Sukchon County, South Phyongan Province with over 1 000 hectares of arable land. She has rendered services to filling the country’s granaries by producing large quantities of grains every year and ensured that her farmers lead an affluent life.

Over thirty years ago, she was an ordinary girl of short stature with daring voice who finished her study at a middle school in a rural village. Since then, she has dedicated herself to improving the soil fertility.

Land does not tell a lie, and it bears fruits by the sweat of our brow. You should make fertile every inch of this land, if you are to be its genuine master—this was the request of her father who worked in the agricultural sector until he breathed his last.

She has always cherished it deep in her mind up to now. She graduated from an agricultural college and worked as a technician, a sub-workteam leader and a workteam leader in a farm adjacent to hers.

She made sure that all workteams applied adequate amounts of compost to their fields and improved their fertility by raising pigs, chickens, ducks, geese and goats and establishing a food production cycle based on crop farming and stockbreeding.

She made efforts to introduce advanced farming techniques and methods and good experiences, being conscious that a truly solid farmer should be a person who is well-versed in all types of farm work and knowledgeable about modern agricultural science and technology.

She adopted such scientific methods as growing big rice seedlings and long-budded potato seedlings and planting several individual maize seedlings in groups, and expanded the area of land under double and triple cropping with the main stress on giving priority to grain-to-grain farming, including wheat, soya bean and barley. She also succeeded in perfecting an intercropping method of raising maize and potato with the former as the main crop, thus boosting yields in all fields.

When introducing the method of growing big rice seedlings, she made cards for recording soil conditions of every field, strains of rice, amounts of seeds sown, number of plants per each area, and period and amounts of manuring, and made strict demands on farmers to cultivate crops in a scientific way.

“The key to increasing crop yields lies in carrying out in the right season all farming operations, including manure production, rice-transplanting, weeding, manuring and harvesting”, she says.

She inspired farmers with enthusiasm for production by introducing a field responsibility system within the framework of the farm, workteam and sub-workteam management systems, and saw to it that they conducted all work with the attitude of assuming full responsibility for the fields in their charge.

Last year, her farm brought about a bumper crop even in the teeth of unfavourable meteorological and climatic conditions by distributing crop strains on the principle of sowing the right crop on the right soil and introducing scientific farming methods, with the result that almost all workteams and sub-workteams became high-yielding units, and all farmers got their share of grain in kind equivalent to two or three years.

With a high degree of consciousness and enthusiasm that increasing crop yields is precisely the way to defending socialism, she is now devoting herself to preparing for this year’s farming.

She had the honour of attending the Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the National Conference of Sub-workteam Leaders in Agricultural Sector, the National Meeting of Exemplary Farmers in Agricultural Field and several other important meetings. She was awarded some official commendations.

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