Tuesday, April 09, 2019

COSATU-SACP Gauteng Province Confident of a Decisive, Resounding and Overwhelming ANC Election Victory on the 8th May 2019
8 April 2019

The South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in Gauteng Province are confident that the working class and revolutionary people will deliver a resounding and overwhelming election victory to the African National Congress (ANC) and its Alliance partners on the 8th May 2019.

We have noted a seemingly hyped and peddled narrative that seeks to insinuate and speculate that the ANC and its Alliance partners will lose elections, and therefore place our province on the path of a coalition government. We dismiss this toxic speculation with the contempt it deserves.

In our view, this unscientific and politically impoverished narrative is premised on the outcomes of the 2016 Local Government Elections that saw the two Metropolitan Municipalities in the Cities of Tshwane and Johannesburg run by the coalition of opposition parties.

We strongly believe that the concrete conditions and unique realities that prevailed in the 2016 Local Government Elections have run their full course, outlived their “usefulness” (in case there was ever any) and therefore do not arise in the 2019 elections.

We believe that simply carrying over and transmitting 2016 concrete conditions to 2019 elections constitutes the worst form of the fallacy of reasoning.
It is in this context that we present the following five reasons that we believe completely, separate 2016 political realities from those of 2019 National and Provincial Elections.

1) The ANC’s 54th National Conference held in Nasrec has unleashed a popular wave of renewal and hope amongst sections of the working class, popular and democratic forces, anchored on the reassuring leadership of ANC President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa. In our experience of election work on the ground, Thuma-Mina and the New Dawn have found resonance with the majority of the people across race and different walks of life in our province.

2) Political relations between opposition parties in our province and even nationally have imploded to the most severe and worse levels, compared to 2016. Many will recall how opposition parties used to call and convene joint press conference, as If they were on the verge of forming a single united political party. We have seen the complete collapse and degeneration of relations between opposition parties in the Cities of Tshwane and Johannesburg.  Just one example amongst many, the current DA Premier candidate and former Mayor of City of Tshwane, Mr Solly Msimanga, is the only DA Premier candidate in the whole country that has had to resign to focus on elections. This clearly demonstrates his unique status as the most embarrassing and degenerate Mayor in the history of the City of Tshwane, characterised by one scandal after another. As we speak, he is almost a dead-man walking.

3) Compared to 2016, we are witnessing highly remarkable and improved levels in the fight against corruption with the establishment of the Judge Zondo Judicial Commission of Enquiry into state capture and the Judge Mokgoro Commission of Enquiry into the Public Investment Corporation. We are witnessing reassuring progress at various law enforcement agencies that demonstrate that the fight against corruption has taken a decisive turn in our country. An example of this is the appointment of highly a respected new Director of Public Prosecutions, Advocate Shamila Batohi.

4) The Gauteng Provincial Government has over the last five years improved the quality of life of the people of the province, kept clean administration and sustained a peaceful and stable province.

5) Our ANC-headed Alliance is more united, coherent and better coordinated at various levels, with improved performance in bi-elections and overall political stability, compared to 2016. Grievances and negative internal subjective contradictions that played themselves during the nominations of councillors and Mayors is a thing of the past and does not exist nor arise in the current National and Provincial Elections.

We are therefore firmly convinced that whilst we have many lessons to learn from the 2016 Local Government Elections, the narrative that conditions of one election lead to the outcomes of the other is completely flawed.

Therefore, moving forward, and in the remaining period towards 8th May 2019, we have committed ourselves to focus our election programme on the following:
1) Mobilise working class communities in the province on the need to ensure that the turn-out in their numbers to the voting stations on the 8th of May 2019. We seek to ensure that unlike in 2016 Local Government Elections, this time we focus and intensify our work to ensure the people finally go the voting stations. This is the core message we will communicate to our voters.

We are convinced that the challenges facing the Alliance are no longer about convincing our people to vote for the ANC, as this part has been already achieved, but fundamentally about ensuring that the support for the reassuring leadership of the ANC by Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa is turned into actual votes. We will be focusing our efforts on voter and voting station support on the 8th May 2019.
2) Ensure that national office bearers of the Alliance focus their election work in the province given the number of registered voters in our province, registered political parties and that our province has the highest concentration of the working class. We are convinced that Gauteng Province provides a rare opportunity to positively improve ANC national electoral performance in the elections, and therefore national leaders of the Alliance should continue to focus on the province.
3) We are working very hard on the ground to prepare for Chris Hani commemoration on the 10th April, 1st May Day, and the ANC Siyanqoba Rally on the 5th May 2019. We believe that these popular working class events will finally consolidate voter sentiment to defend, advance and deepen the National Democratic Revolution, the most unifying and shared perspective and programme of the Alliance.

Issued by the SACP and COSATU Gauteng Province

SACP Gauteng Provincial Secretary: Jacob Mamabolo (082 884 1868)
COSATU Provincial Secretary: Dumisani Dakile (082 727 1422) 

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