Sunday, April 21, 2019

Political Criticism of Japanese Government by the DPRK
Japan is going dull-witted, swimming against the trend of the times.

The political dwarf, which raved hoarse about the DPRK's "possible transshipment" in the seas last year, is floating again the "suspicion about sea dealings", inviting world criticism.

At the recent G7 foreign ministerial meeting held in France, the Japanese Foreign Minister pleaded several countries to closely cooperate for thoroughgoing implementation of "sanctions resolutions" on the DPRK and for curbing the DPRK’s oil purchase through vessel-to-vessel transfer.

And the Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary is speaking about eliciting international support for the settlement of the issue of "Japanese abductees" by the DPRK at the UN session slated for in May.

Japan, which goes helter-skelter to prop up the international cooperation system for pressure on the DPRK, is arousing worldwide derision as it further pronounces its position sidelined from the current trend over the Korean peninsula issue.

As was observed by the world, the historic First Session of the 14th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK reconfirmed the fundamental principle of the State-building to build up its strength and build socialism by its own efforts from a firm independent stand to defend its sovereignty and dignity and achieve genuine prosperity, given the specific conditions faced by the Korean revolution and under the prevailing complicated international situation.

It is foolhardy to resort to such thoughtless act to browbeat the DPRK, a country pushing forward the drive of building a powerful socialist country, while meeting the hostile forces' sanctions with strong spirit of independence and self-reliance.

Today, the broad spectrum of the international community is extending firm support and solidarity to the DPRK which propels the situation on the peninsula and the region to détente, peace and development, while reliably guaranteeing the security of the country and the happiness of itspeople under the uplifted banner of independence, despite the sanctions and pressure imposed by the hostile forces.

But only the narrow-minded Japanese reactionaries, who fall short of discerning the trend of the times, are clinging to the hackneyed standoff in their desperate bid to turn the table around.

The Japanese government has made it its policy to "invariably go ahead with the past policy of pressure on the DPRK through international cooperation" and is increasingly tightening sanctions against the DPRK.

Question is what the purpose is behind such moves.

The hostile acts of the Abe group brought it isolation in the international political arena.


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