Sunday, July 28, 2019

All-people Patriotic Movement
During the Fatherland Liberation War (June 1950-July 1953) the Korean people rendered great services to winning victory in the war by vigorously launching various mass movements for assistance to the front.

What was typical in the early days of the war was the movement of donating funds for procurement of military equipment.

In hearty response to President Kim Il Sung’s militant call for giving active assistance to the soldiers of the People’s Army, the people turned out as one in the movement to donate funds for manufacturing aircrafts, tanks and warships to be sent to the front.

All employees and technicians of industrial establishments across the country raised huge funds by launching various patriotic drives for increased production, including overtime work, saving of materials and increase of production efficiency.

Farmers donated colossal amounts of cereals and meat prepared through the campaign to produce more grains while carrying on farm work even under difficult conditions of the war.

A farmer in Jaeryong County of South Hwanghae Province said as follows to the participants in a meeting for donating funds: Dear fellowmen, we are now living without any worry as the eternal masters of this land thanks to the People’s Army led by General Kim Il Sung, the Sun of the our nation. How our situation would be if it were not for the People’s Army? This land would have been deprived of by the enemies and we would have been reduced to the slaves of aggressors once again. Then, what should we do at this critical moment when we are at the crossroads to decide life or death and to defend the rights of masters of the country or submit to the fate of a ruined nation?

Women from all walks of life throughout the country donated aircrafts, tanks and warships with such names as “Mother” and “Hamju County Woman” by waging the patriotic movement of economizing in materials.

Youth and students across the country, after school, collected scrap iron and rubber, discharged cartridges, automobile parts and other idle and available materials.

The teaching staff of Kim Il Sung University prepared donations by managing their household affairs in keeping with the wartime conditions and economizing on their salaries as much as possible and donated all their salaries for one or two months as the funds for procurement of military equipment.

Thanks to the fervent devotion of the people, more than 416 345 000 won, large amounts of grains and precious metals were donated as of August 31, 1950, two months after the outbreak of the war. Their patriotic movement continued until June 10, 1951, with the result that 1 539 435 758 won and over 336 400 pieces of articles were contributed.

Another social movement for giving assistance to the front was that of donating relief rice.

Kim Rak Hui is well-known to the Korean people as a plowwoman heroine. During the war when women had to defend the rear in place of men who went to the front, she plowed the fields by camouflaging the back of an ox with grass leaves in the teeth of heavy bombings by the enemy planes. She also formed ox-sharing and labour-aid teams to wage a drive for increased production of grains and contributed over 36 straw bags of unhulled rice to the country.

“The patriotic movement of donating relief rice to the front by the farmers in the rear inspires me fighting on the frontline with more confidence in sure victory. I will kill more and more enemies in order to live up to their militant support.” This is a phrase of the letter a soldier of the People’s Army sent to his parents in the rear.

The Korean people, who had been subjected to all sorts of humiliation and insult in the past, became the masters of factories and land in the embrace of Kim Il Sung after liberation of the country.

As they keenly felt the value of their motherland to the marrow through the five-year-long happy life under the benevolent care of the President, they could make a reat contribution to winning a miraculous victory in the Fatherland Liberation War by turning out as one in the mass movements for annihilating the aggressors.

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