Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Base for Training Practical Talents
Hamhung University of Chemical Industry was founded in September 1947 as the first technical college in the country.

It has performed outstanding exploits in developing country’s chemical industry by solving scientific and technological problems arising in the establishment of vinalon industry in the 1960s and the inauguration of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex in the 1970s, as well as produced a large contingent of technological personnel.

Among the graduates of the university are more than 40 heroes and twice heroes, 160 odd professors and doctors and more than 2 000 persons with academic degrees or titles.

All lecturers, students and other employees of the university are striving to translate into reality the intentions and plans of the WPK and the DPRK government to build an economic giant based on the chemical industry as one of the twin pillars.

The university has recently set up scores of new departments and chairs and made vigorous efforts to put teaching contents on a practical, comprehensive and modern footing.

More than 13 000 teaching plans for some 300 subjects were rewritten, and over 220 teaching methods and 15 600 teaching plans aided by multimedia presentations are newly applied to lectures so as to make students keep up with advanced and useful knowledge.

Endeavours made in creating profitable and superior teaching methods paid off greatly in improving academic performance of the students and demonstrating the ability of the university in the national students’ contests and exhibitions.

The university also pays great attention to exploring new areas of science and technology of great significance in the development of chemical industry and solving problems arising in the economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood.

It made a success in domestic production of a synthetic catalyst badly needed in methanol production and establishment of its technical processes, opening up bright prospects for its industrialization.

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