Saturday, August 17, 2019

Enemies Will Gravely Regret Any Mischief: IRGC Deputy Head
Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:15AM

This file photo shows Deputy Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Ali Fadavi.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has called on the country’s enemies to learn from past "trials" attempting to challenge Iran, warning against any attack on the country.

“The enemy has been testing the Islamic Republic of Iran for 40 years and it has to learn lessons from these trials,” said the IRGC Deputy Commander Brigadier General Ali Fadavi.

“We suggest that the enemy avoids even thinking about conspiring against Iran and attacking it because they will severely regret it,” he added.

Fadavi said that the IRGC’s defensive presence in the Strait of Hormuz has been emboldened following the recent developments related to the Persian Gulf region.

“And this is acknowledged globally,” he added.

The IRGC deputy commander made the comments as Washington has recently heightened its rhetoric against Tehran, deploying additional forces in the Persian Gulf and calling on its allies to assist in forming a so-called naval coalition in the region.

Fadavi went on to say that his force was advancing in all aspects related to the “defense of the Islamic Revolution”, adding that the nation should expect “very positive developments” in the near future.

“We will seriously step into all areas where the Iranian people are facing difficulties,” he said.

US President Donald Trump imposed unilateral sanctions against Tehran after it withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal last year. Tehran has slammed the sanctions, which have affected the lives of thousands of Iranians, as “economic terrorism”.

The Iranian economy has, however, managed to remain relatively stable despite the robust sanctions, effectively wearing out what Trump intended to be a campaign of “maximum pressure”.

Speaking at a parliamentary session on Saturday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani derided Washington’s measures against Tehran as a sign of “weakness”.

“Today, in all hopelessness, [the US] is trying its last attempts,” he said. “It is embarrassing for this country, which claims to be a world power, to be sanctioning Iran’s Foreign Minister, Ministry of Intelligence and Iran’s Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).”

“Do these measures demonstrate your power? Or do they show your helplessness and weakness? What is the effect of your actions?” Larijani asked.

“If you think such actions are a demonstration of power, you should know that all Iranians are standing against you. Go on and sanction everyone so that you understand that nothing will happen,” he said.

Larijani also slammed the US for its contradictory actions, saying that “Americans claim to be 'ready for negotiations’ and send mediators, but on the other hand, they sanction our foreign minister.”

“The US is making stupid contradictory remarks due to its extreme illusion,” he said, adding that Washington is being led by people who envision "the international scene based on delusion" in order to "satisfy themselves".

Larijani compared Washington’s current provocations against Tehran with its once-powerful grip over the country, pointing to the US-orchestrated coup d’état, which overthrew the democratically-elected government of then Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq in 1953.

The Iranian parliament speaker also denounced remarks made by US special representative for Iran Brian Hook denying US involvement in the doup d’etat. Referring to Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Larijani said even the "US' former Secretary of State had apologized to the Iranian nation” for the coup.

Larijani further praised “the resistance and vigor” of the Iranian people, saying that it had also forced London to “abort their attempted maritime piracy” and understand that it no longer held its previous power and influence over the country.

Larijani made the comments referring to Gibraltar's unlawful seizure of the Iran-operated Grace 1 tanker with direct British assistance last month.

Earlier this week, Gibraltar's Supreme Court, however, voted to release the ship.

Washington, which was originally behind the seizure according to Spanish officials as well as initial acknowledgement by the Gibraltar authorities, has sought to block the release by issuing a warrant for the ship.

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