Tuesday, August 20, 2019

South Korean Pak Ji Won Warned Not to Wag His Tongue
Ri Kyong Ju issued the following commentary “Pak Ji Won warned not to wag his tongue”:

Call a dog a dog. This is an appropriate comment on the misbehaviour of the foolish politicians of south Korea.

A “lawmaker” Pak Ji Won let loose nonsense unfit for his advanced age.

Styling himself a man symbolic of the June 15 era, he spat out a disgusting jargon.

In the wake of the DPRK's test-fire of a new weapon in Thongchon of Kangwon Province on August 16 he claimed that the missile launch in the hometown of honorary Chairman Jong Ju Yong passed beyond the limit of generosity at least, that it should not have been done in view of the symbol Jong represents and that it brings the brutality of the country home to the people.

Pak is a tramp and dirty man in terms of morality.

He played the coquette in Pyongyang in the June 15 era and boasted of the relations with the DPRK and used it as his political assets, but now he acts ungratefully. He is, indeed, a dirty dog.

We will not put up with his acts any more.

He should not talk at random about the relations with the DPRK again.

He should no longer do a stupid thing such as pricking his eyes with his hands and disgracing himself.

His foolish act will only tarnish his image.

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