Wednesday, September 11, 2019

CEPPWAWU Condemns Xenophobic Attacks
September 5, 2019
Press Statement 

CEPPWAWU Condemns Xenophobic Attacks

The Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers Union [CEPPWAWU] condemns in a strongest term the violence meted out in Tshwane and Johannesburg in the past few days.

  CEPPWAWU call all its members in Gauteng Province (Wits Region & North-West Region) and elsewhere in South Africa to rise, be visible, and bring necessary safe-protection to the foreign nationals. The foreign nationals are fellow workers and Africans like ourselves.

  As the Union, we call all foreign Nationals wherever they are; where CEPPWAWU organizes to come and join the Union, and to enjoy the protection, the bargaining rights and comfort from our members, the Union and Federation – COSATU.

  We call all loving South Africans to stop, and proactively prevent these evil actions. Where they see any criminal acts, such acts should be reported to the police and other relevant authorities.

    The Union, call for all undocumented foreign nationals to be given a chance to be documented. 

On the same breath we condemn the attack under BRICS countries and African Diaspora, the violence in Hong Kong, the simmering of war in Kashmir the de facto border, the Pakistan and India stand-off, the war in Middle East by Israel.

  All these wars (including xenophobia) displace and affects the peasants, proletariats and working class, not the bourgeoises.

  The time for the Unity of the working class and proletariat is now.

    Power to masses! Powers to People! Power to the Soviets!

Issued by CEPPWAWU National Office, 5 September 2019   Contact: 010 206 6600 
General Secretary, Cde Welile Nolingo, 063 691 3112 Or Deputy General Secretary, Cde Musa Bhengu, 063 691 3113

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