Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chief Zvimba Blasts Zhuwao
17 SEP, 2019 - 00:09
Heather Charema Mash West Bureau
Zimbabwe Herald

Chief Zvimba has blasted some relatives of former President Robert Mugabe who are trying to politicise his burial while tainting President Mnangagwa’s name

Speaking to The Herald on the sidelines of a farewell ceremony at Murombedzi Growth Point yesterday, Chief Zvimba said the former President was not a chief, but belonged to the Zvimba royal family.

“Mugabe belonged to the Zvimba clan and he was a member of the Zvimba royal family and former President of this country.

“He was not a chief and the chief’s burial that you are hearing is not the truth,” he said.

“It’s a strict burial initiated by the Zvimba clan and the Government. We are working together with the Government. Whatever they want to do, they consult, so there is nothing that is done outside the requirements of the family and outside Government requirements.

“We work together with Government to the logical conclusion of the burial and there is nothing private or fishy about it. We will make the rightful announcements at the right time and there is no speculation.”

He said all those who were in exile should not confuse Zimbabweans by commenting from foreign lands, but urged them to make their contributions in person.

“I believe that Patrick Zhuwao left Zimbabwe after committing an offence. There is nothing that President ED Mnangagwa has done to chase out all those who went into exile, including Patrick Zhuwao. I can say that the guilty are afraid, ED as President has not expelled anyone from Zimbabwe,” he said.

“He is our nephew, but everything that he is saying is wishful thinking and people will not listen to him.

“What we expect as people of Zvimba and Zimbabweans, is people talking to us in their physical form and not announcing things in a foreign capital.

“Mugabe was a revolutionary par-excellence and iconic figure and founding father of Zimbabwe. He was a person who would tell you that you are a fool in your own country.

“We are full of praise for him as the people of Zvimba because he brought about the Land Reform Programme. We have mining rights which we enjoy today and free education. The Presidential Scholarship Programme promoted a lot of students who went to foreign capitals to learn there.”

Zanu-PF Mashonaland West provincial chairman Cde Ziyambi Ziyambi expressed gratitude to President Mnangagwa for taking care of former President Mugabe up to the time of his death.

“We are very grateful to his Excellency for the honour that he bestowed to the founding father of Zimbabwe who hails from Mashonaland West.

“It is a befitting honour and we want to thank him for everything he has done for him from the time that he was unwell in Singapore to the time when he passed on and also for hiring a plane to go and ferry him from Singapore.

“He was indeed our icon who united everyone during the war and after the war and embarked on economic empowerment to ensure that people of Zimbabwe get back their land.”

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