Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chinese Advance With Their Country
Global Times
2019/9/29 22:28:40

Tuesday, October 1 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The average age of Chinese people is 37 years old, which means they have accompanied China for 37 years. Many young Chinese need to learn about the country through narratives of other people. Based on distinct experiences, people of different generations may also have various perspectives of China.

 China is a country which started out with a very weak economy. But China has made huge economic achievements and has become the world's second-largest economy. It realized initial modernization, led its largest population in the world to live in a well-off society, and achieved poverty alleviation.

Once suffering from poverty and bullies, China has recovered its dignity and become a world-class strategic power. China has been one of the most outstanding developing countries in the world.

 As a people's republic, has China pursued its original intention to seek the people's welfare and national rejuvenation? In the early days since the founding of the PRC, the country faced arduous tasks to achieve real independence. This was also the basis for China to seek a unique development path that fits its national conditions. China has made efforts to pursue the path, while simultaneously gathering strength and developing itself.

 Although China's reform and opening-up have made tremendous achievements, people who benefitted from them know that reform and opening-up were gradually carried out. The reform and opening-up were the people's desire for better livelihood, which was stimulated by China's growth.

Guaranteed national security and political cohesion made it possible for Chinese society to concentrate on economic development, to improve people's livelihood, and to properly deal with various interests in the process of economic construction.

The rapid rise of China's economy has been a process of fulfilling the needs of the Chinese people for a better life. From eating properly to owing houses and cars, the people had simple but clear requirements. China has become the second-largest economy in the world while simultaneously reshaping the Chinese people's livelihood.

A decade after China became the world's second-largest economy, it continues to care most about living standards. People's appeal for better education, medical care, social security and environment is the biggest impetus for China to continue advancing.

What is the great national rejuvenation of China? In addition to China becoming stronger, a majority of Chinese people understand the rejuvenation as enjoying a world-class livelihood. China is always motivated to develop with definite goals as it serves its people, whose demands are always clear.

The Chinese people's fate is closely linked to and protected by China. Decades ago, we only managed to feed the people, but as China rose, Chinese workers have become part of globalization.

We have become more competitive in the world, and have thus made more achievements. Once marginalized in modernization, we have become clients of various world-class companies. As China moved forward, ordinary Chinese people have become pioneers in the unprecedented changes that have not been seen in the past century.

The seven decades since the founding of the PRC is a promise to the future. Standing by China, our lives will be based on a solid platform. Our wish for a better life is sacred, our efforts will be more respected in globalization, and we will benefit from our country's strong development.

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