Friday, September 20, 2019

Global Climate Strike: Africa Roundup 
Thousands of protests and events are planned all around Africa to call for urgent action against climate change. Get the latest news on the Friday for Future climate strike.

The climate march in Kenya's capital Nairobi was one of the first to kick off in Africa

- In Africa, thousands of people plan descending on the streets to protest inaction on climate change

- The protests come ahead of the United Nation Climate Action Summit on 23 September

- Young people say their lives at the ones are stake as they face living in world reshaped by climate change

All updates in Universal Coordinate Time (UTC/GMT)

15:00 As many of the climate strikes wind up in Africa, we leave you with video of school children marching in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, What you can hear in the video, but can't see, is the Tanzania Police Brass Band in full uniform leading the rally as it parades through the streets pf the capital.

13:00 Kampala, Uganda The climate strike in Uganda's capital is over. Several hundred students and climate activists gathered earlier in the day at Constitutional Square for the march organized by various youth and environmental organizations such as Act Now and the Climate Action Network. At the meeting point, rap music blared, street skaters performed stunts and drinks were given out. Serenaded by the University of Makerere's marching band playing the national anthem, the marchers set off for parliament where the organizers handed over their demands in the form of a letter to politicians. 

Edwin Muhumuzu, Team Leader, Youth Go Green Uganda (as told to NTV News Uganda)
“I am very much aware that the Constitution of Uganda, Article 39, stipulates that every citizen of this country has the right to a clean and safe environment. Then how are we implementing that clause?”

Angel, Protester, Kampala

"I am protesting because we want to keep the climate green. We have many environmental problems in Uganda, because the forests are being razed and wetlands are being drained. We have to protect the planet, there is no planet B.”

Did you know?

Africa isn't a big source of greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. It is home to 14% of the world's population but only responsible for 7% of the world's emissions. Several African countries, though, prove an exception to the rule.

South Africa is continent's largest producer of green house gases, ranking 14th in the world, thanks to its heavy dependence on coal power. The country produces “more carbon dioxide than Britain, despite having 10 million fewer people and an economy one-eighth the size,” according to The Economist magazine.

11:30 Cape Town, South Africa. The rally has reached Parliament where the crowd is listening to speeches.

Did you know?

Africa is the continent most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, according to the United Nations. This could take the form of extreme droughts, flooding and storms. With their high rates of poverty and reliance on traditional agriculture, African countries are less able to adapt to climate change. 10:00 Cape Town, South Africa. Rally is getting started to march on Parliament.

Chantal Dette, African Climate Alliance, Cape Town

"What motivates me the most is that about a year ago my country was suffering water shortages and drought. We faced the 'day zero' scenario when the taps will be turned off. People in the Cape Flats [the townships on the outskirts of Cape Town] were really suffering."

Kenya is expected to see more droughts and floods due to climate change

07.00 Kenya: The climate strike in Nairobi has kicked off. Protesters are demanding an end to coal-power plants and more renewables in Kenya. It seems that almost everyone there is holding a sign, ranging from: “Protect God's creation” to “The seas are rising and so must we” Wind energy blows me away”, "Be part of the solution, not pollution” and “There is no planet B”.

It's a pleasant scene here on the streets of Nairobi. People walked out of their offices & homes to
Luisa von Richthofen and Andrew Wasike in Nairobi, as well as Uwais Abubakar Idris in Abuja contributed to this article.

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