Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Labour Conference ’19: Socialists Tell Fossil Fuel Companies to Never Come Back to Conference
Morning Star, UK

GREEN New Deal activists have told fossil fuel companies never to come back to Labour Party conference after a fringe meeting hosted by BP was successfully cancelled following mass pressure.

The joint meeting between the petrol giant and the New Statesman magazine, entitled “Net Zero 2050: Realising a Decarbonised UK,” was set to be held this morning.

The invite-only event was advertised as involving “policymakers, industry and third sector experts and academics,” and sought to offer fossil fuel industry perspectives on “advancing the energy transition.”

Labour For A Green New Deal openly condemned the plans and began to organise a demonstration against the meeting.

The Star understands that not a single Labour MP was willing to appear on the company’s platform and the event was cancelled.

Details of the event were covered up on wall listings at the conference.

The cancellation came as the party announced that it would be backing a Green New Deal, which calls for the mass creation of green industries and the decarbonisation of the British economy by 2030.

Labour For a Green New Deal spokesman Chris Saltmarsh told the Star: “We’re pleased that the New Statesman was forced to cancel its event in association with BP because it couldn’t find an MP willing to share a platform with a company profiting from climate breakdown.

“After Labour voted overwhelmingly for a socialist Green New Deal, BP and other fossil fuel companies should never be invited back to conference.”

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