Wednesday, September 11, 2019

President Hails Mugabe
 11 SEP, 2019 - 19:09

President Mnangagwa consoles former First Lady Grace Mugabe shortly after she landed at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport. Picture by Justin Mutenda

Zvamaida Murwira
Senior Reporter
Zimbabwe Herald

The late founding leader of the country, former President Mugabe was a revolutionary, icon, Pan Africanist who made Zimbabwe to be what it is today, President Mnangagwa has said.

President Mnangagwa said this while addressing thousands of mourners today who gathered at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport to welcome the body of the late national hero, Cde Mugabe who died in Singapore last Friday.

The body of Cde Mugabe touched down at the RGM International Airport at 3.35 p.m aboard a Chartered flight to a rousing welcome from hundreds of mourners who included Zanu-PF supporters, Government Ministers, hordes of local and foreign journalists.

After a military parade, the body was taken to One Commando, State’s traditional parlour where a brief service was conducted before being taken to his Blue Roof residence in Borrowdale.

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