Tuesday, September 24, 2019

We’re in Full Support of Border Closure – Rice Farmers
By Peter Moses, Abeokuta 
Nigeria Daily Trust
Sep 24, 2019 5:03 AM

The Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN) has described the partial closure of borders as a welcome development, saying “we will be compelled to eat what we produce.”

Speaking with Daily Trust in a telephone interview on Sunday, Ogun State Chairman of RIFAN, Osunkoya Olalekan Lawrence said the Federal Government has full backing of the association.

Lawrence hinted that the locally produced rice are now being embraced by Nigerians, following the closure.

RIFAN Chairman who described imported rice as “poisoned and expired,” wondered why Nigerians encourage importation which has adversely affected the Nigerian economy.

“It is a good step. We can eat what we grow. There is no point bringing in poisoned and expired rice. We have the resources and we can feed ourselves. We are fully in support of it.

“Before the partial closure of borders many don’t patronize us. They labeled it ‘local rice’, they say it’s substandard. I don’t really know the benefit they derive from it. But now that border is partially closed, at least people are asking for it,” he said.

When asked whether rice farmers can provide enough for Nigerians, he said “Not only Nigeria, we can feed Africa.”

Read more: https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/were-in-full-support-of-border-closure-rice-farmers.html

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