Tuesday, November 26, 2019

IRGC Commander Warns Iran Neighbors Against 'Acts of Mischief'
Sunday, 24 November 2019 6:22 PM

Iranian people in the western city of Kermanshah take to streets to condemn acts of rioting and vandalism, which marred peaceful protests over the government’s decision to increase fuel price. (Photo by IRNA)

Certain neighbors of Iran were involved in acts of mischief during recent riots that followed the government's decision to increase gasoline price, says a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), warning those countries against their "mischievous" behavior toward the Islamic Republic.

The Iranian government raised gasoline prices last week in order to moderate the national consumption rate, which stands at 110 million liters per day, 40 million liters above the maximum daily domestic requirement.

The move prompted some peaceful protests, but riotous elements, taking advantage of the circumstances, quickly entered the scene, destroying public property, setting banks and gas stations ablaze among other facilities, and opening fire on people and security forces.

Speaking to a group of female Basij members in Tehran on Sunday, the IRGC’s second-in-command, Brigadier General Ali Fadavi, said, “During recent riots, some of our neighbors acted against [good] neighborly relations and the stipulations of Islam and committed acts of mischief,” adding, “We advise [those] neighbors to repent.”

In reaction to the recent events in Iran, the White House has expressed its support for what it claims was a popular movement.

The IRGC commander slammed Washington's attitude in that regard, highlighting the traces of wickedness left by the US and its 'stooges' in the days of unrest and vandalism in Iran.

Fadavi said authorities in Washington, London and Paris will never change their behavior vis-à-vis Iran and, like the past 40 years, they will continue their acts of mischief. "However, we will defeat them as usual."

He added that Iran will respond in kind to enemies' moves in the recent riots, noting, "If we wanted to make use of various capabilities of the Islamic Revolution, we were able to meddle with the most trivial issues of any country, but we will not do so because Islam does not allow that."

The IRGC issued a statement on November 18 on the recent riots in some Iranian cities, warning that it will firmly deal with any measure aimed at sowing the seeds of insecurity in the country.

Commending the insight and smartness of the Iranian people, who draw a clear line between their peaceful protests and acts of rioting, the IRGC’s statement said, “Continuation of any measure, which would foment insecurity, and all actions targeting the calm and tranquility in the society will be dealt with decisively.”

Iranian First Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri on Saturday warned "certain regional countries" that they will be in trouble if they are proven to have been involved in the recent riots.

"Certain regional countries should know that if clues are found that show they intervened to create unrest inside Iran, they will see no peaceful time in the region," Jahangiri said.

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