Tuesday, November 26, 2019

National Agricultural Presentation and Exhibition Opens
Pyongyang, November 26 (KCNA) -- A national presentation of technical experience and exhibition of scientific research achievements in the field of agriculture opened with due ceremony at the Grand People's Study House on Nov. 26.

Made pubic at the event will be over 100 scientific research achievements and hundreds of papers on technical experience gained by agricultural scientific research institutes and agricultural universities, guidance organs and production units throughout the country in hearty response to the Party's policy on agricultural revolution.

On display at the exhibition hall are new crop seeds, veterinary medicines and others numbering at least 1 600 of over 400 kinds.

Attending the opening ceremony were Pak Thae Dok, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials concerned, officials, scientists, teachers, graduate students and three-revolution team members of the units which submitted their products to the event.

The event will continue till Nov. 29. 

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