Saturday, November 23, 2019

Second Group of Cuban Health Professionals Working in Bolivia Welcomed Home
To the joy of the Cuban people, this group of 207 internationalists included four who were arbitrarily detained in Bolivia

Digital news staff |
November 18, 2019 15:11:15
Photo: Minsap

During the dawn hours today, November 18, the second flight, returning members of the Cuban Medical Brigade in Bolivia, arrived in Havana.

To the joy of the Cuban people, this group of 207 internationalists included four who were arbitrarily detained in Bolivia: Amparo Lourdes García Buchaca, Electromedicine expert; Idalberto Delgado Baró, economist; Ramón Emilio Álvarez Cepero, specialist in Intensive Care and Endocrinology; and Alexander Torres Enriquez, Comprehensive General Medicine specialist.

With the arrival of this group, 431 professionals have returned to the homeland, proud of having done their duty.

The Cuban internationalists were received at José Martí International Airport by Political Bureau member Roberto Morales Ojeda, Vice President of the Council of Ministers, and José Ángel Portal Miranda, Minister of Public Health, among other authorities.

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